
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Celebrating Our 29th Anniversary in Dubois

August 15th was our 29th anniversary. We were spending an extra two days in Dubois, Wyoming because we couldn't get into our Yellowstone lodging until the 17th, but we moved to a different motel in Dubois for the final two days of our stay. This motel was less expensive, had air conditioning, and served a breakfast, which, though not elaborate, was sufficient to avoid the expense of eating that meal in a restaurant.

The new lodging, the Longhorn Ranch Resort, was a combination of an RV park, campground, and lodging facilities, situated beside the Wind River. The first thing we did after checking in was to take a walk through the RV Park, and we were rewarded with sighting a mule deer doe and her fawn across the river.

Mule Deer. Look at those ears!

The lady at the desk at Longhorn Ranch Resort had suggested a couple of scenic drives that we might enjoy. The one we took that day was East Fork Road, on which we were told was a college for trial lawyers. The road passed through some beautiful, but desolate, scenery; and the drive was enjoyable. We never saw anything that looked like any kind of a college, but we learned later that the Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College looks more like a ranch than like a college.

Following are a couple of photos from that drive along East Fork Road.

The following five images were taken at the Longhorn Ranch Resort:

Motel Rooms at Longhorn Ranch Resort

The motel rooms are long and go all the way through the building, so that there's a front door and a back door, each with a covered porch area.

A storm approached, providing lots of thunder and lightning but no rain.

Part of the RV Park

Some campers enjoying a meal beside the Wind River

Along the Wind River
That evening, we drove to the Lava Mountain Lodge for our anniversary supper at the restaurant there.

Lava Mountain Lodge Restaurant

Dining Room at Lava Mountain Lodge Restaurant

We were the only customers when we first arrived, but there were more by the time we left. And the food was very good.

This gentlemen and his traveling companion kindly allowed me to snap a photo.

A closer look at the two friends.

I'll have a post from our final day in Dubois next time.


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary. The road trip looks like it was a lot of fun. Love the Lodge Restaurant! :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Nice place to celebrate. I love the scenery,amazing beauty.I see more people with pets on mmotorcycles. I had a dog who would jump in front of me on the seat when I came home, and I would have to take him around the block.My 2 babies did not make it through the storm that almost leveled my home with a tree. They go loose and were never found.Still hard to talk about.

  3. What a lovely way and place to celebrate your anniversary, Linda! And the Boston Terrier is adorable! I love all your photos, especially the storm and restaurant ones!!!

  4. Looks like you all had a wonderful anniversary this year... The 'new' motel sounds really nice --and I'll bet you all will stay there again sometime... Loved the little scenic drive...


  5. once again, my connection is acting up and i can't load many of the photos. but sounds like you had a nice couple of days there.

  6. Happy Anniversary.Many more. Ours were Sept 16th. Us 55 years married. Glad you were able to get away and enjoy the days of your Anniversary.
    Lodge Restaurant looks lovely. Nice you are healthy to travel both of you.

    Unfortunately our car broke down. So we sure hope we get to go to our Fav Restaurant . The Pepper Mill. We like Sea food. To Vacation. We live in the tourist Area. So beautiful all around. We live in a Quaint town. Outside is woodland and lots of places Tourist comes to admire. And chill out. All year round. Sam"s ski Resort in Winter. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  7. Looks like you had a good place to stay and were able to also enjoy some wonderful sights.

  8. Happy Anniversary Linda. Love the shot of the storm approaching but a lovely area to see

  9. Thank you, Mersad. The day was most enjoyable.

    Steve - I'm so sorry to hear about Lily and Daisy. I know how you loved them and what good companions they were to you.

    Thanks kindly, Linda. Your words are always so encouraging.

    Betsy - We did have a lovely anniversary. We had originally booked our stay at the "new" motel but canceled the reservations because of our friend's impending death. Then, when making new reservations, the dates we needed for the chariot races were no longer available. If we are out that way again, though, the Longhorn Ranch Resort will be our first choice.

    Tex - I'm so sorry this post wouldn't load for you. The first two photos were posted with you in mind. :)

    Carolann - Thank you, and a belated congratulations to you and Sid for your 55 years together. Let's see, if Doug and I make it to that milestone, we'll be 99 and 97 and probably won't even know each other. :)

    Ruth - We were much happier with the new accommodations, and there are beautiful sights everywhere you look out there. We knew we weren't in Indiana anymore. :)

    Thank you, Margaret. I like those stormy skies, too. Unfortunately, that's how a lot of the wildfires get started.

  10. This looks like a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary. Congratulations! What an adventure and such beautiful country. I would have loved all the lightning and thunder, as long as it wasn't accompanied by high winds. But yeah, I see what you mean about wildfires too.

    1. Thank you for your visit, Judy, and for taking the time to comment. Wyoming is indeed a land of great beauty, once you get used to the starkness of it.

  11. got it to open today! yay! oh, loved the fence and gate. and cool fellow with this bike. :)

    1. Theresa - Thanks for making the effort and giving it another go. Glad you liked the gate. I was thinking of you when I took that shot.

  12. They're all wonderful photos, as yours always are. But I especially love the approaching storm.. there's drama in those colours. And the pooch in the pack is just adorable.

    1. Thanks, Hilary. I agree about the "pooch in the pack." His human was pretty colorful, too.

  13. Whoa, that gate has some mighty big pillars on either side. Love, love the fence though. And a belated Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.
    Hope you having a great weekend!
    p.s. It's been an unusual week - sorry I'm so late visiting.

    1. You're not that late, Toni; and I love hearing from you whenever. Thank you for the belated anniversary wishes. Hope your "unusual week" has been unusual in a good way.

  14. Congratulations on your anniversary, Linda, and just imagine, it will be the 30th next year! :) Nice photos! I followed the link to the college for trial lawyers you've provided and listened to that short video at the opening page and I loved these words:
    "If I'm a liar to myself, how can I be truthful to anybody else." and these: "If I'm so controlled and dominated by what's happened in my life, how can I become free to communicate truth to you." So true. The college sounds like an interesting project...

    1. Thanks, Petra. Yes, next year will be our 30th. Yikes! We didn't think we'd live this long. :) If you could see how remote that trial lawyer's college is, you'd be amazed to know that something like that existed in that area. So...did those quotes find their way into your bullet journal?

    2. Actually, the quotes didn't find their way into my bullet journal but they found their way into my humble PC collection... :) Definitely something to keep and think about.
