
Monday, April 25, 2016

Some Last Video Clips from the Drowned Camcorder

My last post told of the drowning of our video camera when it went into a cold mountain creek with my husband. Doug came out of the ordeal cold and wet but otherwise fine. But the camera was unable to recover.

When I told that story, one of my faithful readers commented that I should have shown some of those video clips that I was able to rescue from the camera's memory card. So I thought that's what I'd do in this post.

The first video clip shows the heron rookery at Douglas Dam. We were shooting across an expanse of water, so the detail isn't great; but it was still an interesting sight to see. There were a number of cormorants among the herons, and we also saw a bald eagle. The eagle isn't in this clip, though.

The next video shows a cairn that someone had built at one of the stream crossings on the Grapeyard Ridge Trail. It was at another stream crossing on this trail where the video camera met its demise.

The steam engine that had rolled into the creek in the 1920s is featured in the following video.

Lastly, the final shot from the deceased camera was of the large root ball of a tree that had fallen victim to strong winds along the trail.

I hope you enjoyed seeing these clips from the little video camera that had served us so well during the last few years. It was sad to lose it, but we've replaced it already, with what is basically a newer model of the same camera.

I'll share some video from the new camera in future posts.


  1. These are great, Linda, thanks so much for sharing them.

  2. great to have been able to get the videos off the card inda.

  3. I have dropped 3 in water , but had one recover. Don't turn on wet electronics, wait until they dry.I was happy for the recovery, but had already ordered a replacement.

  4. These videos are good.Too bad the camera had to be replaced,but better that than that Doug got hurt.

  5. These videos are great. Sorry your camera drowned!

  6. Thank you, Linda. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    Margaret - It was a huge relief to discover that the memory card was intact.

    Steve - It did power up after three or four days, but it really needed to be cleaned; and the cost of the cleaning was cost prohibitive.

    Ruth - At first I thought you said that it was better that we had to replace the camera than to replace Doug. :) Yes, I AM glad that the wasn't hurt. Just wish both he and the camera could have survived.

    Terri - Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving the kind comment.

  7. It was nice to see those little parts of your trip through the eye of your camera and it was even nicer to hear your voices in the videos. :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to watch the video segments, Petra. I'm glad you enjoyed them...even our voices. :)
