
Monday, March 07, 2016

Osprey & Pelicans

There is an osprey nest located at a small beach park near Tarpon Springs, Florida. It amazes me that these birds are comfortable nesting in such a crowded area, but it also delights me that the nest is so accessible for photography. I'm pretty sure this pair was incubating eggs because, soon after the one in the following photos took off from the nest, its mate landed in the nest and appeared to be rolling the eggs. Unfortunately, I missed getting any photos of that.

While I was taking the above photos, Doug was shooting a video which I've included below. You can slow the action by clicking on the tools icon and choosing a speed of .5 or .25.

We always enjoy watching the pelicans, too, especially as they dive into the water after fish. Following are a couple of snapshots of pelicans, followed by a video that Doug shot of a pair of them diving. Again, slowing the speed of the video will help you see the action in a little more detail.


  1. GREAT photos and videos.Watching birds in action is so fascinating.

  2. Loved seeing the Osprey adn Pelicans on video. Good shootng.

  3. Both great divers, I love to watch them. I have worked on a osprey reintroduction program.We have white pelicans here.Most leave for the winter.

  4. You got wonderful photos (and Doug got good video) of the osprey and pelicans.

  5. Like that first picture of the Pelican, just above the water.

  6. Great captures, Linda. I'm also amazed that the osprey chose such a populated place for their nesting. From Doug'd video one can see how far the nest actually was, it gives the photos an interesting perspective. What do you mean by "rolling the eggs"? I've never heard about birds doing that...

  7. I agree, Ruth. Birds in action are so much fun to watch.

    Thank you, Margaret.

    Steve - Both of them are fun to watch. I love to see the Ospreys come up with a fish in their talons. Some of their fish would make you jealous!

    Thanks, George. I'll pass your praise of the video on to Doug. :)

    I'm glad you mentioned that photo, Joe. I almost didn't include it because the focus isn't great on it. Still, I liked it.

    Thank you, Petra. The video does show, though, that the nest tree is very near a parking lot for the beach park. I guess these birds have become accustomed to the human activity. I found this comment on the internet regarding the egg rolling: "The eggs are rolled over by either parent about every hour to 2 hours during the incubation period. The purpose of this roll is to make sure that the lighter yolk does not rise to the egg surface and the delicate blood vessels that cover the yolk touch and stick to the shell surface, killing the developing chick." Nature is so interesting.
