
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Autumn Road Trip

On Thursday, Doug and I drove to Battle Creek, Michigan, to visit Doug's brother, Dennis. 

Some of you will recall that Dennis had to have his left leg amputated below the knee in April, 2014. He's been out of the hospital for a year now, living in an apartment in Battle Creek, with the help of a Home Health Aide who comes in several times a week to assist with all the chores that Dennis can't do for himself.

Thursday was such a beautiful fall day that, after a meal at Cracker Barrel, we went for a drive through the Battle Creek countryside. When I saw this "checkerboard" barn, I asked Doug to stop so I could get some pictures.


Then, on the way home that evening, I snapped these pictures of some of the fall foliage along the highway.


  1. Linda, what a gorgeous series of photos! Home health care is a great thing, we have the same here in Quebec. Someone comes to the home of the individual a few days a week and will help the person to bathe, prepare food for their, etc. I think it is a great thing that we have this.

  2. beautiful weathered barn and fall! glad to hear your brother-in-law is doing well.

  3. That barn is interesting. I always love the stone foundations.

  4. What a beautiful time of year. Love the many different shades of orange.

  5. You captured the beauty of fall so well.

  6. Happy to hear about the health of Dennies. Wonderful clippings!

  7. Autumn sure does hit beautifully and you always capture it so perfectly. Love the checkerboard barn.. great catch.

    Nope, never saw the Northern Lights when I was up north. The only time I have ever seen them was when I was in my 20s and I was actually south ish.. in northern Vermont.. camping. They were interesting but devoid of colour.

  8. I love that detail of the barn and the reddish leaves in the last photo... We will miss those charming colours when leaves fall off...

  9. Linda - Thank you. Dennis' home health aide has been a blessing, not just to Dennis, but to us, as well. It takes such a load off our minds knowing that she's there for him, especially since we live about two hours away.

    Thank you, Tex.

    Steve - It was the checkerboard look of the barn that caught my eye. The stone foundation was a bonus.

    Yum List - Autumn is a gorgeous time of the year where I live. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for the visit.

    Thank you, Ruth.

    Weekend Windup - Thanks for stopping by and for the kind comment.

    Thanks, Hilary. Doug deserves some credit for finding a place to pull over so I could get those barn shots.

    Thank you, Petra. Yes, we're getting wind and rain now; and that will pretty well finish off the colorful display of leaves.
