
Saturday, October 31, 2015

An Autumn Day at Ouabache

These images are from an afternoon at Ouabache State Park on October 12. 

White-breasted Nuthatch

A woman "walking" her 13-year-old dogs

Some early autumn colors

We haven't been back to the park since that day. I suspect that the fall colors are pretty well gone by now. I'm glad we were able to see them, even at this early stage. Fall is such a beautiful time of the year. But its beauty is so brief.


  1. Linda, I love the colours, light and reflections in your photos, and the lady walking her 13 year old dogs is precious!

  2. laughed at the pups in their pram.

  3. The autumn colours are superb and that wa a fun shot of the pram walked dogs. Have a great weekend.

  4. Liked the dogs being pushed, pretty funny how we spoil our pets. Lovely pics, you found some nice color.

  5. Nice capture of the White-breasted Nuthatch and I had to smile at the dogs! :)

  6. You did capture that fall beauty so well.Yes,it is such a short time.

  7. Love the nuthatch and the lovely fall colours. But dogs in a stroller always make me laugh.

  8. Thank you, Linda. The lady walking her dogs was sweet. It was obvious how fond she was of them.

    Tex - The pups in the pram gave me a chuckle, too.

    Thanks kindly, Margaret. Fall is such a pretty time of year here.

    Steve - I'm sure you understand that woman's love for her dogs as well as anyone. Your Lily and Daisy have pretty nice lives themselves.

    Thanks, Petra. I was pleased with the nuthatch photo. I find them difficult to capture, the way they flit around so quickly. Glad the dogs gave you a smile, too.

    Thank you, Ruth.

    Hilary - I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. And I know that you understand the lengths that people who love their pets will go to to keep them comfortable and happy as long as possible. Still, it WAS cute.
