
Monday, August 31, 2015

Wedding Photographer

Some of you may recall previous posts where I've talked about our friend, Pat. Her first husband, Gerald, died in 2006, before I started this blog. They were married just shy of 50 years. We had known them for about 10 years at the time, and Gerald was probably Doug's closest friend.


Then Pat married Richard, a man of terrific wit and insight, whom we soon learned to love and appreciate. Richard was a little older than Pat and had some health issues when they married. He died shortly before their fifth anniversary, in 2012.


And now, Pat has married again. She and her new husband, Adrian, were wed on Friday; and Pat asked me to "take some pictures" at the wedding. I was a nervous wreck about the assignment because, after all, it was a once-in-a-lifetime moment for them; and what skill I have in photography is more that of a nature photographer than a wedding photographer.

A friend, who is an amateur photographer himself and has served as a wedding photographer on occasion, loaned me an expensive external flash, complete with a mounting bracket, and gave me a quick lesson in its use. That external flash saved the day.

Here are some of the results:

Congratulations to the happy couple and best wishes for good health and much happiness together.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Peace in the Midst of a Storm

It's been a trying week for me, as some of you already know. My Gmail account was hacked on Tuesday, the 18th. The hacker somehow got into the account and succeeded in locking me out. Then a phishing email was sent out to all my contacts, advising them that I was stranded in Cyprus with no money, no phone, and no passport and needing their help.

It took a couple of days for Google to investigate and let me back in. Meanwhile, I was locked out of all things Google, including my blog.

There is still a lot I want to do before I will feel semi-secure again; but, in the midst of it all, Doug and I enjoyed a day away at Ouabache State Park yesterday.

Here are some of the peaceful scenes that refreshed my soul.

The place at the park where we enjoy relaxing and reading

A butterfly paused just long enough for me to snap this shot.

Wildflowers growing alongside the lake

We try to get to Ouabache State Park about once a week, weather permitting. This summer, some friends have joined us most days; and we usually have supper together at the end of our relaxing afternoons.

It's always a treat to get away for an afternoon, but it was especially nice this week, taking time away from the computer woes at home.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Quiet Anniversary

Today (August 15) is Doug's and my 28th wedding anniversary. If you're interested in seeing a few wedding photos, I posted some here on our 24th anniversary. And, if you're interested in hearing about how we met, that story can be found here.
We didn't do anything exciting to mark the occasion of this anniversary, but we enjoyed several meals out with friends in the course of the week. We also spent one afternoon at Ouabache State Park. I didn't get any photos that day, but here are a few from the week before:
Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly, wings open

Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly, wings closed

Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly, with a face any mosquito (and some humans) would fear 

Wildflowers growing along the shore of the small lake at the park

Monday, August 10, 2015

Old Favorites

Among the many photos I've taken over the years, there are some old favorites from the days of film cameras. I thought I'd share a few of these oldies but goodies today. All three of these are from a trip that Doug and I took out west in 1988.

This old house was visible from the highway as we crossed the state of North Dakota.

These Montana silos were lit by the sun, while the sky behind them was black with an approaching storm.

The dramatic sky enhanced this shot of a bull elk in Yellowstone National Park.


Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Dragonflies, Woodpeckers, and Swallowtail

I hope I'm not wearing anyone out with my dragonfly photos; but 'tis the season, you know. And I do find them fascinating. I've purchased a book to help me with identification and will do my best to get it right. I'm open to corrections, though.
These photos were all taken at Ouabache State Park in July.

Male Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly

Male Blue Dasher Dragonfly

Male Widow Skimmer Dragonfly

Male Halloween Pennant Dragonfly

Male Blue Dasher Dragonfly

And, to give you a little break from dragonflies...

Male Red-Bellied Woodpecker and a Juvenile

Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly