
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Storm Clouds and Sunset

We were blessed with a gorgeous sunset tonight. I'm posting a series of photos taken between 9:00 PM and 9:30 PM. None of these have been tweaked in any way.

The above image was taken while looking east, away from the setting sun, and wondering about the strange cloud/light formation over the Amish farm.

The photo above is taken looking to the north.

To God be the glory!


  1. Thi=ose sky shots are amazing. God's awesome Glory shining through.

  2. It was an interesting evening looking up when walking and the wonderful breeze along with streaks of lightning across the sky and then no rain at our location. The Lord is good and so evident as we look at His beautiful creation and the grace he gives us each and every day.

  3. Very nice colors, I like when the clouds are outlined.

  4. Each of these is absolutely glorious!!

  5. Breathtaking beauty,painted in the sky.

  6. Wow, Linda, that's amazing, it must have been a breathtaking experience. The light over the Amish farm looks amazing, like some film-related special effect. :) There is a similar shape of the light in the photo above that, that's interesting as well.
