
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Clouds Over Gull Lake

Last September, Doug and I went with some friends to a Christian conference at Gull Lake Ministries in Michigan. Sitting on the dock one evening at sunset, I snapped these photos of the sky over the lake.


  1. I love the name "Gull Lake", Linda, and these photos are lovely. Those clouds are amazing!

  2. gorgeous

    after retiring I started becoming aware of things I never noticed/er/paid attention to before. Like the beauty of an empty sky. The tranquility of cumulus clouds gently crossing the horizon, the spectacle of storm clouds broiling overhead.

    So much beauty. Wasted on the young. *smile*

  3. Looks like a painting, very nice Linda

  4. i love Michigan. i think we have visited 2 times. hoping for another trip soon. fingers crossed for that. gorgeous state. love the clouds. what a beautiful night. ( :

  5. Beautiful! I can see why you were drawn to photograph these skies. The hint of yellow in the first one is so pretty!!

  6. Wonderful cloud formations that remind me of the paintings of John Constable.

  7. Hi Linda. Wonderful sky shots and I also thought they looked,like a painting.

  8. Oh, lovely photos of the sky heavy with those clouds. They look so close to the ground.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Moody skies are a great photo subject, they add so much drama to the images, that you can't take off your eyes from them. I love how dominating they are in your shots as well as their texture. Wonderful!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. Hi LInda! Wow, those are some clouds! I wonder what they meant to you, after being at the Conference that day. I think meetings on faith often open me to see things differently...more in line with the Creator.

    I just got back from Florida. I saw a black heron, and thought of you!

  11. Oh, my, Linda, what awesome photos. The sky and clouds are so beautiful. You captured the mood so well of the sky. The pictures have a spiritual feeling.

  12. You two have gotten to attend lots of conferences in some beautiful places. This place looks gorgeous... Great set of photos... I love sky and cloud pictures like that.. It's almost as if the sky is 'talking' to us!


  13. Lovely view.. an added bonus to your trip.
