
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


This post features photos of several Osprey that we saw while in Florida in January.
There is just something so fiercely majestic about birds of prey that it's impossible for me not to admire them. It's a little hard for me to think about their dining habits sometimes; but the fish that make up 99% of the Osprey's diet don't play on my sympathies quite as much as the warm-blooded animals and birds that fall prey to other raptors.
Osprey are similar in size and appearance to eagles. They're also known as sea hawks, fish eagles, or fish hawks, and are found on all continents except Antarctica, although in South America the Osprey occurs only as a non-breeding migrant.
They hunt by soaring above the water. When they see a likely dinner prospect beneath the surface of the water, they hover briefly, then dive swiftly, feet first, to catch their hapless victim in their talons.



  1. Oh man! you got some GOOD shots. I need a new camera!!

  2. Wonderful photos. I'm always amazed at the numbers of osprey we see in Florida. Unfortunately they are increasingly rare here in southeastern Minnesota. I tend to think the resurgent Bald Eagles have taken over....

  3. This is one raptor that has eluded me. How wonderful that you were able to get him with a meal. And the shot on the branch showing that yellow, intense eye---amazing! :)

  4. they have such magnificent eyes! well, and beaks. and talons. and feathers. and...

    i've never seen one of these in person, either. :)

  5. We have Osprey in our area. They're quite the hunters. Your photos are just amazing. So glad he caught a meal!

  6. Excellent shots!I have tried to get them when they plummet down into the water. We have had a stocking program here to reintroduce them to the area. Had one fishing with me one day, catching more trout than me.

  7. They're just amazing to watch, aren't they? I love how you snapped it in flight, at rest, poised and with its catch. Nicely done.

  8. i was going to say i love the close-up's ... but then i love the in flight shots too!! great post. ( :

  9. Oh he soars as expected by this bird.

    Great perfect takes.

  10. Fantastic, Linda! Lovely photos. There is a pharmaceutical company here in Montreal named Osprey...and I haven't yet seen this species of bird, so thanks so much for sharing.

  11. Beautiful pictures. The Osprey is a joy to watch in flight.

  12. They are my college mascot. I always thought it was silly...but compared to the Rooster of my high school I have to eat my words. lol
