
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Utah Scenery, Sheep, & Yoga

We left West Yellowstone, Montana on Sunday, September 22, and drove to Provo, Utah, where we spent the night.

We had supper at the Texas Roadhouse in Provo.

On Monday, the 23rd, we headed southeast on U. S. Highway 6, toward Canyonlands National Park. On the way, we stopped at the rest area pictured below.

The Tie Fork Rest Area

The Tie Fork rest area is located on US-6 in Spanish Fork Canyon a few miles west of Soldier Summit. One of the most popular and busiest non-interstate rest areas in Utah, the Tie Fork Rest Area celebrates the long history of the canyon as a major artery of the railroad industry. The design is reminiscent of a turn-of-the-century train depot. To add a little extra interest to our stop, a train went by on the hillside behind the rest area while we were there.
We hadn't gone far from the rest area when we saw a sight that caused us to turn around a go back for photos...a man on horseback herding sheep.

Our eyes met as we drove by, and we exchanged a wave of greeting.

A little further down the road, and we were ready for another rest stop. (Are you seeing a pattern here?)

A View from Horse Canyon Rest Area

It seemed an unusual place for yoga...

...but she appeared to be good at it.


  1. Interesting views! Did the horseback rider have any sheep dogs helping out?

    1. Hi, Mona. Yes, there were at least two dogs. They were staying pretty close to the horse's heels, though; and I couldn't get them in my photos.

  2. the yoga made me smile! :) love that you got to see driving horses, now driving sheep!

  3. Great set of photos, Linda. Seeing someone herding sheep is neat… Don't think I've ever seen it in person…

    Rest areas are great places to get some exercise… We usually take a long walk at rest stops just to stretch our legs.

    Merry Christmas.

    1. We like to walk at rest areas, too, Betsy; but I've never stood on my head at one. :)

  4. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of someone herding sheep, and yoga at a rest stop is a first as well although I have seen people doing stretching exercises. I really like the scenery in Utah and hope to get back some day.

  5. You had me with yoga in the title, but there it is right in the pictures. O.O *chuckles*
    Love the shepherding photos! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love that first rest stop.The train makes it perfect and of course brings back memories of Jake and his love for trains.

  7. Yoga, sheep, beautiful You saw a lot! I love the herded sheep photos; something I don't think I've ever seen, come to think of it. I like the idea of stopping and resting and taking your time. I'm always in a hurry to get to the next stop. You're vacationing the right way, imo. :)

  8. Beautiful places to visit. And I love those roadhouses.

  9. Linda, what gorgeous views here! I think nature is a great place for yoga!

  10. that is a huge herd of sheep.ots of beautiful pics, you picked a nice area.

  11. The pictures of the sheep herders looks like a scene that could have taken place a hundred years ago. Beautiful.

  12. Wow.. you managed some unique captures. The sheep herder is wonderful and the woman doing yoga.. unexpected and a great subject. Excellent!

  13. i think it is a wonderful & great place to do yoga. why? the view. very peaceful & perfect for her i bet. oh guessing though. ha. ha!!

    gorgeous shots!! ( :

  14. Hi Linda! Did you ever had a 'bad weather day'? Every shot looks like the sky is so blue. And you have been so blessed in the animal department, the deer, now sheep, the So cool!

    I wish I could stand on my head like that. Even when I was young, I couldn't do that :)

    1. PS I saw the video you linked..How does a king come? I have never heard of that song. The video (and thank you for typing out the words) gave me chills. It was beautiful. Thank you so much!!

  15. I enjoyed seeing the cowboy herding sheep and the lady doing yoga is an interesting subject....I am enjoying getting to visit and see all these new to me places you are visiting.
