
Friday, December 20, 2013

Canyonlands: Island in the Sky, Grand View

Canyonlands National Park, Island in the Sky district, is amazingly beautiful. I had great difficulty in choosing a few photos for the blog from the many I took there. So I'm afraid you'll just have to endure multiple posts from this beautiful national park.
The first two photos were scenes along the drive to Grand View Point, on September 23, 2013.

There had been a heavy rain in the area a day or two before we arrived, creating washout areas. There were some places where the sand appeared to have been plowed from the road with a snowplow.

The remaining pictures are all from Grand View Point:


Walking along this high cliff and looking down into the canyon made my knees a little weak.


The LaSal Mountains in the background


  1. Now i see the photos, beautiful, Linda!

  2. those lizards were every where when we were there. i love the rim shots ... gives great depth of sight. & such. so cool!! ( :

  3. Hi Linda The scenery is magnificent. Thank you for followiing my blog. May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS. I will not be posting or commenting as much over this season.

  4. wow, those canyons look like you're looking down at unearthed ruins of an ancient city. very, very cool.

  5. Oh, I know the weak-knee feeling very well. I have the same reaction and it's not funny in this type of landscape. Pictures are good enough for me! Thank you for sharing them. Have a great weekend!

  6. I'm glad you showed all of these pictures from Canyonlands. I enjoyed each and every one of them, and they are all gorgeous.

  7. Amazing how that lizard blends so well into his surroundings. The canyons and rock formations are simply magnificent. Having people in the photo is great for depicting scale. Man! What a beautiful world we live in! I'll look forward to "enduring" more photos. As if! :)

  8. Hi There, Wow---gorgeous… Yes, I'll bet your knees were a little weak along the edge!!!! I HAVE to go there sometime. Beautiful.


  9. Ours is an amazingly beautiful and diverse country. Your wonderful photos and commentary reinforce this for me.

  10. Oh my.. my knees feel weak just looking at the photos. I can only imagine being there. Of course your beautiful photos are the very next best thing. What a stunning landscape. And cute critter.

  11. Wow! That is amazing scenery.I would be staying quite aways from the edge.I feel week in the knees just looking at these pictures.Guess that is where I would need a telephoto lens.

  12. The more I view your photo's the more I want to pack a suitcase and head West.

  13. We wish you a Merry Christmas, Linda
    RW & SK

  14. Beautiful landscapes. I would love to be able to visit this in person, but your images are the next best thing.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  15. No wonder you couldn't pick photos to show us! What a wonderful place. I've never heard of it so I'm glad you took us along :)

  16. Awesome beauty. It looks like a place I would like to visit some day ;-)

    Merry Christmas!
