
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Autumn Leaves and Berries

We spent Thursday afternoon at Ouabache State Park with friends, Dave, Kay, and Pat. It was a beautiful fall day, and we were looking forward to getting some autumn photographs.

We were disappointed to find the lake drained (and a bit smelly when the breeze came from that direction).

I learned later that the Indiana Department of Natural Resources had drained the lake last month to remove the carp, small bluegills, and dense population of rusty crayfish. They say the carp and crayfish roil the bottom and muddy the water to the extent that few aquatic plants are present and oxygen is available for fish only in the top five feet of water.

The DNR's hope is that restocking the lake with a mix of largemouth bass, bluegills, channel catfish, and redear sunfish will result in improved habitat conditions and restore balance within the fish community.

So I couldn't get any photos of the fall colors reflected in the water.

I liked the way the sun was lighting some of the red berries while leaving others in semi-darkness.

I'm still going through the photos from our trip to some of our western states and will begin sharing some of those in the near future.


  1. Hi Linda, so sorry to hear that they had to drain the lake, but I understand why. Reflections or not, your photos are absolutely beautiful! I love the colours and the way the light plays into them!

  2. Beautiful Fall photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  3. Hello, Linda,
    The pictures were very beautiful and you captured the lighting on the berries and fall leaves so nicely. Where did you learn about the lake - that is very interesting about needing to get rid of some of the fish because of the mud and oxygen. Wonder what they do in the lakes they can't drain? There must be other things they do in those places. Did the people say the lake would have the water put back in yet this fall?

    Dave and I still had a wonderful time and the time goes by so quickly - like a flash. I can't believe in our walk and my climb of the fire-tower how far you could see out - even in my carefulness - was worth it. It never ceases to remind me of God's beautiful creation.

  4. wow, that water is low. amazing, how so many out west need water. & we folk in the east are water-logged. i wonder why that happens? ( :

  5. Sad to lose a lake but all the better in the long run.Lovely color found.

  6. well, i'm sure they worked hard to save the 'proper' fish before it was completely drained. sorry for the invaders, but...

  7. Sorry about the lake--but your photos are gorgeous. You do have some pretty fall colors up there. We hope to get to the Smokies soon to see how the color is there...

  8. It's nice to see the park taking that extra step to restock the lake appropriately. Sorry it interfered with your reflection photos. You certainly are getting some pretty colors already. We are going from green to light green to a little yellow. I'm ready for red and orange now---my favorite of the fall colors. You sure are getting lots of nice use out of your new camera. The berries shot is awesome--like they're glowing almost. Have a great weekend!

  9. You got some beautiful photos of autumn color even if the lake had been drained. I hope the restocking plan works.

  10. No reflections of Fall water but still some very nice shots here. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Too bad about the lake, but your photos are sure beautiful!!

  12. Love these amazing fall colors. Hope the lake will be there again soon.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  13. Ohh, I love the berries with light behind them. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.

  14. You found some great beauty,inspite of the lake being drained.I love the sunlight through the berries.Very pretty.

  15. Hi Linda! I like the light on the berries too. They are my fav pictures here.

    Isn't it amazing how smart these DNR people are? In what looks like disaster, they are actually saving this body of water. Wonderful!

  16. It's great that they care and try to restore balance supporting conditions in the lake, Linda. These measures are quite costly as far as I know.

    Just today I found out that many trees changed colours though they had been green during the week, autumn is more and more prominent. I love the detail of the leaves and you're right, the contrast of the light and dark in the last picture looks interesting. :)

  17. Your pictures are beautiful! I especially like the ones with the berries. We have been disappointed in the lack of color in the trees in our area this fall. There is some there, just very muted. I'm sure it is due largely to the difference in weather patterns this year. I've certainly enjoyed viewing yours though. :-)

  18. Beautiful shots! I won't get to see any fall scenes here in Florida for a while.

  19. Pretty berry photos. I hope the local birds enjoyed them as much as my eyes do.
