
Saturday, August 03, 2013

This and That from Here and There

On a recent walk at the reservoir, I spotted what I think was a very small damselfly. It paused on a leaf long enough for me to get a shot, although not as good a one as I would have liked.


At Ouabache State Park this week, I ventured into the woods just a wee bit to see if there was anything new to photograph since my friend, Kay, and I had explored there a few weeks ago. I didn't dare stay long among the weeds because of that "dinner invitation to the insects" thing that I have going on, but I did find some Brown-Eyed Susans that hadn't been there before.

Brown-eyed Susans

Today, I went exploring in our back yard to see what photo-worthy things I might find there. Our Red Delicious apple tree is heavy with fruit right now. Unfortunately, we hadn't sprayed or pruned it, so the fruit may have to be used as treats for the Amish horses that are pastured across the road from us.

Red Delicious Apple after a rain

The blooms on our Rose of Sharon bushes were looking a bit bedraggled, but I found some buds that looked ripe for photos.

Buds on our white Rose of Sharon bush

Buds on our pink Rose of Sharon bush

A closer look at one of the pink Rose of Sharon buds


  1. the buds are pretty. wish my horses lived across from you. ;)

  2. this might be a silly question but i have to ask - how come they are brown eyed & not black eyed susans? ( :

    such gorgeous blooms. i love the dragonfly. such amazing creatures.

  3. Gorgeous pictures. I love the apple covered with water droplets.

  4. Nice shots from your walks- love the Rose of Sharon buds.

  5. Love the damselfly. It almost looks like a woman in the front, which is probably where the name comes from. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures.

  6. Hi Linda, Great photos... Hope you didn't get eaten by the bugs again... Are you using anykind of bug spray or something???? I never go outside with something.... The bugs are bad this year --but they said they would be since we didn't have a severe winter last year....

    Love your photos.. That apple looks great.. SO--you don't think you'll be able to eat them???? Red Delicious are great apples...

    The Brown-Eyed-Susans are pretty... I see them around here. They add so much color.

    Have a great week.

  7. I enjoyed all of your close looks from here and there. I hope you and Doug are having a wonderful weekend.

  8. What a lovely series of photos, Linda!

  9. 2,3,4 beautiful when in bud.

  10. Love all of your nature photos!

  11. Nice captures, Linda, and I really like the expression "look ripe for photos"! :)

    The apple looks good, there might be some apples suitable for your - rather than the horse's - consumption. I used to eat apples a lot but some time ago I realized how rarely I eat them nowadays. Such a shame, you know "an apple a day..." :)

  12. Somebody is loving her macro setting.. and I'm loving the results. Love the buds and that sweet little damsel fly.
