
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Few Birds and a Sunset

When we go to Ouabache State Park, it's usually in the afternoon; and we leave about 5 PM or so to go get supper at our favorite restaurant. Last Friday, though, on the spur of the moment, we went to the park around mid-afternoon and took our supper with us to enjoy later.

Toward dusk, the birds became more active. We'd hardly seen any before that. So the following pictures aren't the greatest quality because of the low light and the amount of zoom required. Still, I thought they were worth sharing.

This young Eastern Bluebird was hovering above the ground.

Another (or maybe the same) young Eastern Bluebird

White-Breasted Nuthatch

And this is the sunset that we saw on our way home that night.

To put it mildly, it was a very pleasant afternoon and evening.


  1. loved 'em all. wow! that last shot is SO cool!!!

  2. Oh wow! The birds are lovely,but that sunset is gorgeous.

  3. Beautiful photos!
    Have a nice day! RW & SK

  4. Hi Linda great birds and that was fun to take your picnic with you. The sunset is awesome.

  5. Gorgeous pictures! I especially like the hovering bluebird. Several young bluebirds splashed in my birdbath yesterday. Love them to pieces.

  6. Linda, these are terrific shots! So glad I stumbled across your blog! That last shot is superb!!

  7. Wonderful pics, and I share everyone's enthusiasm for that last picture of the sunset.

  8. Your picture of the hovering bluebird is marvelous. It's a great capture. The sunset is gorgeous.

  9. Hi Linda, you made my day with this post! My favourite time of day is dusk...when the sun goes down, and I just love sunsets. Yours here is magical! I also love birds. Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. No matter what time of day or night you go to Ouabache--it is gorgeous there... I'd love seeing that sunset --and those birds... Neat!!!!!


  11. Love the pink sky a silhouettes of the towers. Your hovering bird is one of the best captures I have seen blurring of the wings...great shot. :)

  12. I like the second bluebird, it's a cute photo, and the sunset is beautiful. Well and a little bit metaphorical, isn't it, telling the story of nature and/versus technology. :)

  13. Beautiful sunset shot and great perspective with the towers. But I love that hovering bird. :)
