
Monday, June 03, 2013

How to Convince Your Husband That an Expensive New Camera is a Good Buy

First, you try to convince him that a new Pleasure-Way Class B+ Motorhome would be the ideal addition to the family.

The little beauty pictured above lives not far from us, and we pass it on our way to visit Doug's brother. As we drove by there on Memorial Day, I snapped the above picture. From that, I could see the brand name; so I went to their Web site and looked at all the great features included in it. Doug even seemed mildly interested when I showed it to him. But he was a little taken aback when I told him the price was in excess of a hundred thousand dollars.

He knew that my Canon PowerShot SX20 had begun having problems when we were in the Smokies last month. Last week, when we were shopping at Sam's Club, we walked by a display of Canon digital SLR camera bundles that were on sale. He asked me why I didn't buy one of those. Trying to cover my astonishment, I told him I hadn't researched those particular cameras yet.

But I remedied that when I got home. I went on the internet and checked user reviews and expert reviews and prices being asked by other sellers. Over the next few days, Doug saw me looking at cameras every time he passed through the computer room, so I'm sure he wasn't surprised when I asked if he was really willing to let me spend that much money on a camera.

I believe that the reason he readily said "yes" was that he figured the new camera would distract me from the motorhome. After all, by comparison with the price of the RV, the camera was a bargain. Whatever the reason, I wasted no time getting out to Sam's Club to bring home my new toy.

Canon EOS Rebel T3i

The little darling came bundled with a gadget bag, a second lens (55mm-250mm), and a memory card.

You'll soon be seeing my first experimental shots here on the blog. I confess that, right now, I'm having doubts as to whether I've made the right choice. My first images are less than stunning. The learning curve is going to be much greater than I had anticipated. And I'm not sure I have the talent to warrant this kind of expenditure. But I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet.


  1. i have zero camera talent / knowledge. i let the camera think for me 99% of the time. *sigh*

    doesn't stop me. sure hope you like it!

  2. You can do this. Just set the camera on either Program or Auto and shoot to your hearts content. This is a great camera and capable of taking very nice pictures. Go to You Tube to watch instructional videos.Good choice. Enjoy.

  3. Congrats... You bought George's camera---except that his is a t1i instead of the newer version... He'd love to swap with you I'm sure.... ha ha

    Mine is similar also --but is an xsi---which they don't make now... Mine won't do video but G's will... However, we neither do video--so guess it doesn't matter...

    Congrats... YES---that camera is a little cheaper than the motorhome... GADS---that is one expensive motorhome!!

    Enjoy your camera...

  4. Oh you do have the talent. And didn't you already have a SLR back in the day? You know your stuff.. and it's much easier these days than back then. Just "focus" (ha) on one lens at a time for a while. Learn what the portrait lens can do for you with scenes and faces. No where it's zoom just doesn't help much.. soon you'll know which shots are worthwhile trying and which need a different lens. Play one lens until you're sick of it.. then go learn the other. You'll get a good idea of which ones to bring with you depending on what you're doing.
    Congrats on your new baby. It's always a bit of a learning curve but you'll tackle it in no time.

  5. You did it! Welcome to the world of dslr! You're going to do great! Yes, I guess the fear of sinking $100k into a motor home made the camera expense seem miniscule. Good plan even if it was accidental. I remember getting my first big girl camera in 2008, making so many mistakes, and running to google so many times for answers. I think you are going to do well and can't wait to see your images! Congratulations. :)

  6. I'm sure you will soon be taking marvelous photos with your new camera. I've got a Canon Rebel T1i, and have been trying to find a good excuse to upgrade. I think you made an excellent choice.
