
Monday, June 10, 2013

Carson's Dance Recital

My great-nephew Carson, age 11, participated in a dance recital on June 1st. Doug agreed to man the camcorder for the event, so that we'd be sure to capture Carson's two performances on video. Meanwhile, I wanted the practice with my new camera.

The recital was held in a large Performing Arts Center, and Doug and I were seated in the balcony, five or six rows up from the railing. Of course, the lights were low; and flash photography was forbidden. So it was a challenge to get decent pictures. I practiced on some of the dance groups who appeared before Carson came on stage.

I'll never understand how ballerinas do that standing-on-your-toes thing.

I just loved the Monarch Butterfly costumes in this dance.

The lighting gave this shot sort of an artsy feel.

Then it was Carson's turn in the spotlight. His first dance was called "Jedi, We Are."

In the above photo, Carson is second from left.

His second dance was a tap dance called "Up and Away." I was doing better with the camera by that time so was able to get some better pictures than I had gotten of the Jedi dance.

Carson is the boy on the left.

If you look closely, you can see that Carson and the girl behind him are airborne.

Here's a video clip of the tap dance:


  1. Very nice, Linda. I know you were proud of Carson. AND your new camera did GREAT..... Love all of the photos.


  2. You got some awesome shots of the recital! Love the airborne shot and the dark, moody ones. Enjoyed the video, too, with its 1940s vibe. Carson is a natural and seems to really love what he's doing. Good for him! Keep taking your camera out! You're getting better all the time. :)

  3. love the airborne shot! they're so cute and obviously love what they do. enjoyed the pilots and flight attendants (i'm assuming!) in the video!

  4. I love seeing pictures of young people, like your Carson, giving a performance everything they've got.

  5. As a former teacher, I'm going to give you an 'A' in learning how to use your new camera. Low-light photography is tricky, but your photos are marvelous. Carson is quite a dancer (and good-looking, too!).

  6. You must be so proud of Czrson.. I know you are. And of yourself, as well you should be.. for doing so well with the camera under difficult lighting. Excellent!

  7. Well done pictures under the bad lighting conditions and I really enjoyed the video, Linda. I understand why you're proud of Carson. :)
