
Friday, April 05, 2013


Although it's April, spring is not popping out all over. It's still quite barren looking in these parts. I looked back at pictures from last year at this time and was shocked at the difference between then and now.

This picture was taken on April 2, 2012. The crab apple tree was in full bloom.

This one was taken this morning. There's not even a bud on the crab apple tree.

The only thing "blooming" in our backyard is this pussy willow, and it's normally finished blooming by now.

The weather is warming now, though, and a few buds are appearing on our maple trees. It can't be long before spring arrives in all its glory.


  1. Quite a bit of starkness still, but you look greener still.

  2. What a difference from last year! We are cold, too, though probably not as cold as you. (I talk about this in a post I have scheduled for later today. Couldn't believe I had to turn the heater on in the house yesterday.) The shot of the pussy willow is gorgeous!! The detail and focus pop beautifully against that vivid blue sky. Have a great weekend!

  3. Lie so many people, I can't wait for Spring to arrive.

  4. Just like my 'comparison' blog post, Linda. We just don't have much spring here YET. However, they say that we will have sunshine and warm weather all this next week. YEAH RAH.... Hope they are correct!!!!

    Beautiful pictures.. Hope we both get some spring soon.

  5. Theresa - I always enjoy seeing pussy willows, too.

    Steve - I know it will happen eventually, but spring seems to be taking its time this year.

    Gail - It's supposed to get up to 62 degrees today, but I'm not confident it's going to make it. It's blustery and in the mid-forties right now. Thanks for the kind comment about the pussy willow picture.

    Stephen - Hopefully, spring will arrive in a burst of glory when it comes.

    Betsy - It was your post that motivated me to look back at my own pictures from last April. What a difference a year makes! We've been watching the forecast for the Smokies, and it looks like it's warming up nicely there.

  6. Before I read the date for these photos, I was surprised that you were so much ahead of us. But today actually looks and feels like Spring. Fabulous!

  7. When spring finally aeries we will all be doing the 'happy dance'.I think I saw a few pussy willows today,but that's about it.

  8. George - It did reach 62 degrees here today, but it was overcast and windy. Not quite spring yet. :)

    Ruth - I agree about the happy dance. For now, we'll just have to enjoy the pussy willows.

  9. I liked the comparison, Linda. This morning I and my husband went to check our garden and make some plans and though there are buds on a few bushes and there are early flowers shooting, the overall impression was that the garden was still sleeping. My husband told me I shouldn't complain about the sleeping part but be grateful for the awakening part and he's definitely right.

    I saw a blooming pussy willow here too, it seems that it's tough enough to push through. :)

    1. Petra - It seems as if our pussy willow is usually finished blooming by the end of March. It must have been a little later than usual this year because of our late spring. It's sunny and warmer here today. I believe we'll see that spring awakening that you mentioned very soon.

  10. Fuzzy little willow buds.. love that. Last year everything bloomed early. This year feels later than usual. And yet, spring will come. July at the latest. ;)

    1. Hilary - We're expecting a week of somewhat warmer temperatures and rain. That might help get things going. But it's still pretty cool. Spring WAS early last year, but it raised our expectactions for this year. :)

  11. What a difference between the pictures. A lovely way to capture the change of mood in the seasons.

    1. Sketchbook - Thanks so much for the visit and the kind comment.
