
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Road to Hana

The Road to Hana is a 52-mile (84 km) narrow, winding, scenic road, leading to the little town of Hana, located at the eastern end of the island of Maui, Hawaii. The road, which travels mostly through lush, tropical rainforest, passes over 59 bridges, 46 of which are only one lane wide, and around approximately 620 curves. Driving it can be a harrowing but rewarding experience.

Too many years have passed since our 1987 honeymoon for me to remember the names of many of the places we saw, but I've selected a few representative photos to share here.

One of the many waterfalls seen along the way

Coastal View

Wailua Falls

Another waterfall, the name of which I have forgotten

The trail to Waimoku Falls led through this pasture.

The pasture was occupied.

The trail also passed through a bamboo forest so dense that it was like night in there. This photo was taken with a flash.

The two-mile one-way hike brought us to this...Waimoku Falls

This gives a little perspective as to the size of the waterfall.

Waimoku Falls, the largest waterfall on Maui, drops 400 feet down a sheer lava rock wall into a boulder-strewn pool below. It's an awesome sight and made every step of the hike worthwhile.


  1. The waterfalls are stunning! The coastal view was awesome. I could have stood in that spot for hours. You have so many great photos from your honeymoon.

    The bible verse in your blog header is a source of comfort to me every time I come here. Just wanted to tell you that!

  2. just gorgeous! i'd hate to drive that road with a 'local' on your tail...

  3. Steve - Hawaiian waterfalls just have all that gorgeous tropical scenery going for them, don't they?

    Gail - The waterfalls are so much more beautiful than these pictures show that I'm starting to think I'd like to go back for another chance at them. Thank you for that sweet comment about the Bible verse in the header. It's always been a special one to me.

  4. Theresa - Doug didn't care too much for that, either. :)

  5. I've driven the road to Hana and it's every bit as beautiful as you say. I greatly enjoyed your pictures.

  6. WOW! I think these sights are worth every curve. I would truly enjoy this road and the hike. Your photos are marvelous.

  7. Wow,these are spectacular shots. Hawaii has such beauty.

  8. Hard to believe there's any place on the planet more photogenic than Hawaii. You've offered more evidence. Good stuff, Linda.

  9. Oh My Heart... That is awesome... I'm so so so hopeful to get there sometime... WOW!!!


  10. Stephen - If you've driven it, you know that my photos don't do it justice. Thanks for the nice comment.

    George - Thanks for the kind words. This place would knock your waterfall-loving socks off! :)

    Ruth - I had almost forgotten how truly amazing Hawaii is. Going through these old pictures is making me want to go again.

    Frank - It does have to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Thanks for the visit and the comment.

    Betsy - I think I'm ready to go again myself. :)

  11. Those waterfalls are amazing as is that bamboo forest. So cool. You make me want to be there.

    1. Hilary - I think that bamboo forest made as much of an impression on me as the waterfall did. It shut out nearly every bit of daylight. You can see from the photos that the sun was shining before and after the bamboo, but it was as dark as night in the forest. And there was my new husband, pretending to be a New Zealand warrier at ever turn of the trail. :)

  12. The waterfalls are nice, the bamboo forest interesting but what immediately caught my attention was the trail to Waimoku Falls leading through the pasture. It's a feast for my eyes! :)

    1. Petra - That was a very beautiful and interesting trail. And, yes, the pasture was definitely part of that beauty.

  13. What beautiful pictures and not certain I knew you went to Hawaii on your honeymoom. The Waimoku Falls certainly would be a place to see. God's beautiful creation. It also was interesting to see the bamboo forest in the pictutes. Someday maybe I will get to see those things without being claustrophobic. (smile), but a picture is worth a 1,000 words.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed these, Kay. Going through them made me want to go back...with a better camera. :)

      I think you'd be able to handle that bamboo forest. It was dark, but not really what I think of as claustrophobic. But all these things are a mere shadow of what we'll see in the world to come...and no claustrophobia to interfere. :)
