
Monday, February 04, 2013

Our Florida Accommodations

When we first considered spending a week at the Word of Life Conference Center in Hudson, Florida in January, it seemed as if the cost was going to be too high. The only room available at the conference center itself, for the particular week that we were interested in, was an Executive Suite for $119 a night, and it didn't include meals. Meals at the conference center would have run another $60 per day. Going to a restaurant for meals wasn't really practical since the conference center is located a good seven to ten miles from the nearest restaurants.

We could have gotten a lower nightly rate in a hotel in the town of Hudson, but that was about 10 miles away from the conference center. It would have meant taking all our meals in restaurants, plus a 20-mile round trip twice a day for the morning and evening sessions at the conference center.

So we had pretty much decided to stay home until our friends, Dean and Marilyn, who spend the winter in the Word of Life RV Park down there, told us about an RV that could be rented for $250 for the whole week. An added bonus was that our friends' RV was located just one campsite away.

Our rented RV was in the same campsite that Dean and Marilyn had camped in last winter.

Looking from the front of the RV toward the back.

Standing between the kitchen and the bedroom, looking toward the front.

The bedroom

Sandhill Cranes were a common sight throughout the RV Park and the Word of Life grounds.

This little fellow was a frequent visitor to the tree at our campsite.

Turkey Vulture flying over the RV Park

I couldn't ever remember seeing a crescent moon in this position before. It intrigued me enough to try for a photograph of it.

With just a few well-placed stars, we'd have had a Smiley Face.


  1. I did not know you can rent an RV. Are they hard to handle? It sounds like so much fun. Two more little stars above that moon would have made such an awesome pic. Loved the little squirrel and turkey vulture. What a fun trip!

  2. The accommodations look lovely. The added wildlife must have made it great.

  3. i saw that crescent moon here, too (as well as on one blog i read). it was unique.

    and that RV was an awesome find/referral!

  4. Gail - We rented this RV just for a place to stay. We didn't travel in it. But there are companies who rent RVs for traveling. They cost a lot more than $250 a week, though.

    Ruth - It wasn't as nice as a hotel room, but we loved having our own kitchen and a medicine cabinet in which to store our toiletries. And we did love the furred and feathered friends who visited.

    Theresa - The RV did make our stay more convenient and much less expensive than staying at the conference center or in a hotel.

  5. It looks as if you had some great accommodations for the conference. The fact that your friends were next door was a nice bonus. You got a great picture of the crescent moon.

    1. George - It really was nice to be staying right there on the conference center grounds and be able to eat breakfasts and lunches there. We did go out for most of the evening meals because the cooking utensils in the RV weren't quite what I had expected to find. Our friends had discovered a great little restaurant with good food at low prices where we took most of our evening meals.

  6. What a great solution. It doesn't appear to be overly spacious but certainly roomy enough to sleep and spend your down time. Those cranes are beauties.

    1. Hilary - It worked out nicely...until the cockroaches showed up. I didn't post pictures of those. We wound up leaving a day early, after finding one in a drawer with our clothes.

      Sandhill Cranes are really neat birds. We rarely see them in Indiana, although they do migrate through the northwestern part of our state.

  7. Wow---that was awesome, Linda... SO glad that you all found that RV... I'm sure it was PERFECT for you for the week... Beautiful RV....


    1. Betsy - It was old but met our needs, and for much less expense than the other options.

  8. Another adventure! :) The RV looks comfortable enough... Though I read your answer to Hillary's comment so you might have been really disappointed after finding the bugs.

    Great pictures of the squirrel and vulture! The crescent moon looks unusual indeed and after reading your smiley-remark, I can see the stars automatically there. :)

    1. Yes, Petra. Finding the cockroaches did dampen our enthusiasm over the RV a bit. It doesn't seem that we brought any home with us, though, so no harm done. Thanks for your always-kind comments.
