
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Polynesian Cultural Center, Hawaii

In addition to its magnificent beaches and awesome scenery, the Hawaiian island of Oahu is also the home of the Polynesian Cultural Center, which features cultural demonstrations from Hawaii, Samoa, Maori New Zealand (Aotearoa), Fiji, Tahiti, the Marquesas and Tonga. Shows include a parade of canoes, each featuring native attire and dancing from one of those cultures. 

The New Zealand Warrior dance is Doug's absolute favorite. In the above photo, you see several other guys trying to learn the dance. I'm sure it was killing Doug not to be out there with them; but, after all, he was on his honeymoon and didn't want to look like a total idiot. But you can be sure he was absorbing every move and would be trying them out when he thought no one was looking.

Above is a short video, demonstrating that New Zealand Warrior dance. It's more effective when the warriors are wearing war paint, but you can get the idea anyway.

The Polynesian Cultural Center offers a variety of shows and activities. The parade of canoes and the evening show are "must sees" if you're ever on Oahu.


  1. Such a colorful people. There were a pair of brothers on The Biggest Loser show a while back that were of Polynesian descent. After any weight loss they would celebrate with a dance, similar to the video. They were a hoot. So, did you catch Doug doing some of these moves?

  2. very nice. i think doug needs to adopt the attitude of 'you're on vacation and nobody knows you.' :)

  3. I've been to this Cultural Center and it's a wonderful place that everyone visiting the islands should see.

  4. I'd say that the Cultural Centre makes a great job in preserving local folklore and traditions. It could seem that they just put on a show aimed at tourists but there is surely more in it.

    I liked the video. If you watch the men carefully, you can see that every part of their bodies plays its role - their faces, eyes, tongues, arms and legs, even hips. The dance is obviously meant to threaten their enemies. I'm not quite sure about the women's voices though, all the movements are expressing strength and perhaps violence and that doesn't go with the women's presence there.

  5. How neat, Linda.... I'm so glad to see your old photos and info from Hawaii... I do hope that George and I get there sometime. Looks so gorgeous... Love the dance.


  6. Gail - Oh yeah! Doug still likes to jump out at me at take his warrior's stance. But then...I occasionally do it to him, too. :)

    Theresa - You have to remember...Doug wasn't just on vacation; he was on his honeymoon. While he might not have cared what those other people thought, he did care what I least, back then. :)

    Stephen - I'm glad you've visited the Cultural Center. It really is something that should be included on any visit to Oahu.

    Petra - They do cater to the tourists at the Cultural Center, but they make it informative, as well as fun and entertaining. It's really well done. I agree with you about the women's participation in that video. It wasn't a great representation of the dance that I remembered seeing, but it was the best I could find on YouTube. :)

    Betsy - I warn you...if you take George to the Cultural Center, he'll be acting like a New Zealand warrior at the most unexpected moments. :)

  7. Love your photos Linda...and you give us so many interesting facts to boot! Doug should have gotten right up and danced with them! We would love to have seen that :)

    When Terry and I were stationed on Oahu going to the PCC was our one BIG splurge! Being poor military young married 'kids' that was quite a treat...and would you believe it they picked one person to do the Hula with some of the native girls - that was me! Oh to be 21 again :)

    1. Thanks, Diane. Doug still likes to pretend he's a New Zealand warrior sometimes. You hang around us long enough, and you'll probably see him do it. :)

      I'm not surprised that they picked you to do the Hula. I remember those Cherokee Indian dancers that pulled you out of the crowd to join them just a couple of years ago. :)

  8. Hawaii is such a cool place to be. They have a great culture.

    1. Gina - It really is a special place, isn't it? Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment.

  9. Ha.. I like the inclusions of "when he thought" no one was looking. ;) Fun stuff!

    1. Oh, Hilary. I catch my 16-year-old-in-a-70-year-old-body husband doing all sorts of things when he thinks no one is looking, not the least of which is this warrior dance. Often, though, he does that one in front of me. I'm not sure if it's supposed to scare me or make me laugh. :)

  10. I take it from your reply above that Doug has performed the Warrior Dance. He's braver than I think I would be.

    1. George - Doug doesn't exactly "perform" the dance...he just assumes the position and tries to look fierce. He can't quite carry it off, though. :)
