
Sunday, December 30, 2012


Terry and Diane are friends that we met through another couple about three years ago when the three couples spent a week together at the Word of Life Conference Center in Schroon Lake, New York. In the years since, the friendship has deepened.

Three weeks ago, Terry and Diane celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary and invited us to attend. I took photographs of the event, and Doug shot video of it, to give to Terry and Diane afterward for a memento of the celebration.

The Cake

The Table Decorations

Terry and Diane, playing a version of the Newlywed Game

As their son and granddaughers watch

Terry and Diane live about 45 miles from us, so getting together takes some planning. One of our favorite places to meet is at a hospital cafeteria in a town about halfway between our two homes. This particular hospital cafeteria serves delicious food for a very reasonable price. Let's face makes good food taste even better.

So Diane emailed me this week to see if we'd like to meet for lunch at the hospital today. We put the plans in motion. Then Diane discovered that today would be my birthday. So, when they met us, they came bearing gifts.

As a thank-you for recording their anniversary celebration in pictures and video, they gave us one of the table decorations from the party. They also gave me a birthday gift of a beautiful book of photographs from all fifty states in the United States. It's called "Walking with God in America," by Ken Duncan. It's full of beautiful nature photographs, with accompanying quotations from scripture.

And...they brought chocolate! Diane had made some chocolate caramel brownies for the occasion. After we ate our meal, we enjoyed the brownies for dessert. And...she sent the leftovers home with us.

On top of Terry and Diane's generosity, Doug came through with some special gifts, too.

Truffles from DeBrand Chocolates

And a new television set for my computer room. 

December birthdays, especially those that fall as close to Christmas as mine, often get lost in the holiday hoopla. But, thanks to good friends and a sweet hubby, this one didn't.


  1. awww! first, congratulations to the 45 yr newlyweds! :) what a nice get-together today, too. happy birthday, dear linda!

  2. How fortunate that you are surrounded by loving and thoughtful people. Happy New Year also.

  3. Happy Birthday.I am glad your special day as well as you got the recognition you deserve.

  4. Well, happy birthday, Linda!!! What a great day you had with great company and wonderful gifts. Such thoughtful friends you have. Hubby did good on the Samsung TV. That's what we have and it's got an amazing picture. May God continue to bless you, my sweet friend!

  5. Ah----I didn't know. Happy Birthday, Linda. What is the actual day???? Love the new TV --and that chocolate plus all of the other gifts you got from your friends made for a wonderful birthday I'm sure....

    Sounds like Terry and Diane are very special friends... That's AWESOME...

    Happy New Year.

  6. Belated Happy birthday, Linda! It's great that you had fun and enjoyed the gifts. I also have birthday very close to Christmas and so sometimes I get from my husband a more expensive present together for both occasions. It's been always worth it so I don't complain. :)

    It must be wonderful to have such friends. I had to chuckle when reading your remark that cheap makes good food taste even better... I'm at one with you about that. :)

  7. Thanks, Theresa. It was a good day.

    You've got that right, Stephen. I'm blessed. Happy new year to you, too.

    Thank you, Ruth!

    Thanks, Gail. It was a very nice birthday. So far, I'm really pleased with the Samsung. It's nice to know that you enjoy yours.

    Betsy - Diane didn't know, either, until she found my birthday mentioned in an old blog post the day before. But you'd have thought she'd been planning it for weeks. Everyone who knows me knows my love for chocolate. It's always the perfect gift. :)

    Thank you, Petra. I never really minded having a December birthday, but it does make for a long year with no presents. :)

  8. It looks as if you had a wonderful celebration of two happy events. Your pictures of the anniversary celebration are excellent. I'm sure you're going to enjoy both the chocolate and the TV. I wish you a belated happy birthday.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes and the nice comment about the anniversary celebration pictures. I'm still enjoying all the chocolate. Another friend invited us over for homemade chocolate sheet cake on Wednesday night...and then sent the leftovers home with me. :)

  9. Well darn.. this is what happens when I fall behind on my blog reading.. I miss my dear friend's birthday. Belated best wishes, Linda. It sounds like you had a great day. I'm glad for that. And congrats to Terry and Diane on their anniversary.

    1. Hilary - Belated wishes just spread the celebration out longer, so thanks for yours. :)

  10. I haven't checked your Blog for a few days and what a nice surprise to see some of your great pics of our 45th 'Shindig'! As well as such kind words about our friendship. We are so blessed of the Lord to have you and Doug to call our friends! Oh, the De Brand Chocolates are making my mouth water...not to mention the thoughts of those DQ CHOCOLATE BLIZZARDS we enjoyed with you yesterday :) :) We love you!

    1. Diane - Those DQ Blizzards were soooo good, weren't they? I've been thinking about my next one ever since. :)

    2. Yes they were!!! We think alike :)
