
Thursday, December 06, 2012

Christmas Card Follies

When I began blogging back in September of 2010, it was at the heavy-handed urging of  my friend, Sandra, and her daughter, Jenny, who both had been producing some great blog posts for a few years already.

Life has gotten in the way for Jenny, and she hasn't been blogging for awhile now. Because of that, I asked her for permission to "borrow" one of her most memorable posts, and she willingly gave it.

The year was 2007.

Jenny had just gotten a new DSLR camera and decided to use it to take pictures of her three daughters for the family Christmas card.

The cast of characters was CoCo (age 10), LuLu (age 8), and MiMi (almost 4).

Doesn't this one just scream "Peace on Earth"?

How about this one:

Or this one:

It's interesting to note that CoCo is smiling and looking at the camera in every shot, apparently oblivious to the chaos around her.

Jenny then decided that maybe the other two should be separated. Maybe she could do something artsy with three individual shots.

CoCo is a keeper.

LuLu was reluctant to show her teeth in those days, self-conscious that her two front teeth were still growing in.

MiMi, on the other hand, was not self-conscious about anything. She was just fed up with the picture taking.

During the five years since these pictures were taken, these three girls have blossomed into smart, beautiful, confident, and competent young women. But, like their mother, they're still full of zest for life. In other words, they're not all that far removed from the personalities shown in these pictures.


  1. Oh MiMi... what a hoot she was throughout this photo session. I'll bet that child is a riot and a half. Lovely girls all of them. They don't fall far from the Sandy tree.

  2. Kids will be kids,but that is why we love them so.

  3. this was adorable! i laughed throughout! thanks for sharing that great post and beautiful, feisty girls!

  4. Hilary - MiMi is still a hoot. And she and her sisters do come by their strong personalities honestly. That's all I'm going to say abou that. :)

    Ruth - These three will make you love them, but they may test your patience in doing it.

    Theresa - Thanks. That's the effect it had on me, too. That last picture of MiMi is one of my all-time favorites.

  5. HA---I remember trying to take Christmas picture of my three sons when they were little... Not sure I tried THIS hard... Think I gave up before the chaos took over!!!!! ha ha


  6. These pictures are precious. It brought back memories of trying to get pictures (on film) when my children were that age.

  7. Betsy - Jenny has some high-energy girls; that's for sure. Glad her chaos gave you a chuckle.

    George - These pictures are as close as I ever want to come to that kind of craziness. Glad you enjoyed them.

  8. Oh, Linda. Thanks for re-publishing these pictures. Jim and I laughed at them all over again. I don't remember if she used any of these for her card that year, but if she didn't, she missed a great opportunity. : )

    1. Sandra - These are some of my all-time favorite pictures...especially that last one of MiMi. It was nice of Jenny to give me permission to republish this. These pictures may return to haunt these girls at some unsuspecting moment in their lives. :)

  9. This must have been staged....those girls are clearly professional actors paid to LOOK as if they are very badly behaved.

    1. Jenny - I believe these girls would have gladly acted the part of badly behaved children...without pay. Of course, they've totally outgrown that in the last five years, thanks to the wise guidance of their very mature mother.
