
Thursday, December 13, 2012


We are proud of our three great-nephews, all of whom have enjoyed accomplishments in various activities, both in and out of school. These boys are the children of my brother's son and his wife. My brother didn't live to see his own children grown and never had the joy of seeing his grandchildren. So I do my part to enjoy them in his stead.

It's interesting to see the different personalities and interests in these three boys.

This post is about Carson, age 11. He's the "artsy" one in the family. He studies piano, takes dance classes, and sings in a community youth choir. This fall and winter, he has also auditioned for and been given parts in two musical productions at a theater in his community.

Please excuse the quality of the following photos. They were taken in low-light situations and without flash.

The first two are of Carson, singing in a Christmas concert on December 6, with the community youth choir.

I don't have any photos from the first production at the community theater. It was a children's production called "I Want My Mummy," performed around the time of Halloween. This served as a sort of introduction to theater for Carson and many of the other children.

Then, beginning on November 30, and running through most of December, Carson is playing the part of one of the orphan boys in the musical production of "Oliver." This is more of a "big time" production, involving some professional actors, as well as local talent from the community.

We were in the audience last Saturday; and, although the theater prohibits the taking of photographs during the action, I managed to sneak two shots anyway.

We arrived early, and I saw no harm in getting a shot of the set before the play began.

Then I captured one shot of Carson during the grand finale, when all the actors returned to the stage for final bows.


  1. oh, that's great for him! with a name like carson, broadway or hollywood might be in the cards for him. :)

  2. Carson seems to have the focus required for making it in show Biz. I wish him luck.

  3. When a child finds some activity they like and pursue, let alone when they are successful - on any level - that must be both rewarding for their parents and advantageous to them. I wish every child could find out what they are good at and also I wish success to Carson in his starting career! :)

  4. How wonderful that you're so involved in their lives. Carson looks like a wonderful young man with so much promise and life in front of him. I love the look on his face in the last shot; he's really in the moment. Congrats and best wishes to him!

  5. Thank you, Theresa. I'm not sure I'd wish Broadway or Hollywood on him, but he may have a future in his local theater.

    Thanks, Stephen. He's a pretty amazing kid.

    Petra - Carson does seem to enjoy these activities, even though it can be pretty challenging to practice for two at once. Thanks for the good wishes for him.

    Thanks kindly, Gail. All three boys are good kids. Thank you for sending good wishes his way.

  6. Hi Linda, You must be terribly proud of Carson... "Oliver" is one of my favorite musicals. I know ALL of the music from that show... LOVE it ALL.... "Who Will Buy?" is a fav... I would have loved seeing that show!!!! Congrats to a remarkable young man.

    1. Hi, Betsy. We ARE very proud of Carson AND his brothers. They're all great kids. I'd never seen "Oliver" before, but I enjoyed it very much.

  7. You have good reason to be proud of your brother's grandson, Linda. Despite the low light, your photos are wonderful. I especially love the last one. You were wise to wait until the end just in case. ;)

    1. Thanks, Hilary. There was only time for a quick shot at the end of the play because other actors were moving around on the stage, blocking my view. But at least I got the one picture as a memento of the play.
