
Sunday, December 02, 2012

Badlands National Park, South Dakota...1988

I've been keeping my new slide scanner humming, and I'm pleased to announce that I have completed the scanning of the slides in all eighteen 140-slide carousels, plus a few miscellaneous slides that had never found a home in a carousel.

So I'll be springing some of those old photos on you from time to time. And now is one of those times.

When Doug and I went out west in 1988, our first such trip together, our first place to visit was the Badlands National Park in South Dakota.

These striking geologic deposits are said to contain one of the world’s richest fossil beds. Ancient mammals such as the rhino, horse, and saber-toothed cat once roamed here. The park’s 244,000 acres protect an expanse of mixed-grass prairie where bison, bighorn sheep, prairie dogs, and black-footed ferrets live today.

Doug and I pretty much limited our activity to just driving the loop road through the park and didn't do much hiking at all. But, if you look closely at the center of the above picture, you can see a couple of people that lend perspective to the photo.

This is what I looked like in 1988.

The loop road, barely visible in the above photo, travels between those two pinacles.

Again, a stranger lends perspective to the photo.


  1. Oh the scanning works well and these scenes are just gorgeous. And you snapped a pic of Farrah Fawcett in that third pic!

  2. Great memories are in those old pictures. I am happy that Jake scanned our slides onto the computer years ago.

  3. just amazing territory. we have such a wealth of beauty in this country.

  4. I usually take photos of nature void of people but I've seen a few photos lately which made me think about whether it's always the best option. A figure may change the scene thoroughly and add perspective, as you've remarked too. Amazing place and great memories, Linda.

  5. What an incredible landscape. Thanks for sharing it with us with your wonderful photographs. Take care.

  6. Wowzer, that is a lot of photos to scan! It's so nice to see your archived images. Those geologic deposits are amazing. Usually, I like to get photos like this without any people in them, but I can see now where it helps to show the size and scope. Beautiful job.

  7. Great set from 1988... Isn't it amazing how much better photos are these days???? And --I used to think how great they were back then!!!!! ha

    You, my dear, looks MUCH better now than you did in 1988... You truly look younger... I love the way you wear your hair now.

    Happy Advent Sunday!

  8. I recently found your blog and am enjoying the travel photos!

  9. Oh, Hilary! Farrah Fawcett??? I've never looked THAT good! :)

    Ruth - It took me a long time to decide to spend the money to purchase a scanner that would do slides, figuring I'd have no use for it once the job was done. But it was a good investment...much cheaper than having the slides professionally digitized. Jake was a wise man to get his done.

    Theresa - That we do, my friend.

    Petra - I usually prefer a landscape without people, too. But sometimes they do add perspective or even a splash of color to the scene.

    Thank you, Stephen.

    Gail - I still have to fight to urge to keep people out of my landscape photos, but sometimes they're useful. :)

    Betsy - It's true that film has a hard time competing with digital, but I was very pleased with how well these 24-year-old slides had held up. Thank you for the too-kind comment about me. I still feel like that forty-something woman in the picture, but my body is reminding me otherwise. :)

    Jeannelle - Thanks so much for the visit and the kind comment.

  10. We haven't made it to the Badlands, but I would certainly like to get there some day. Thank you for including the photo of yourself in 1988. I have many slides to scan, if only I could find the time!

    1. George, I thought of you and Betsy as I put this post together because I know I talked you into going to the Black Hills instead of to the Badlands. Since your time was limited, I think the Black Hills was the better choice; but, hopefully, you'll get to the Badlands on a future trip. Scanning slides would be a good winter activity, but you'd have to stay home once in awhile to get it done. :)
