
Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Beartooth Highway

On September 20th, after staying overnight in Red Lodge, Montana, we drove the Beartooth Highway toward Yellowstone National Park.

The Beartooth Highway is 68-miles long, beginning just south of Red Lodge, Montana, at an elevation of 6,400 feet, and ending near Cooke City and Silver Gate, Montana and the Northeast Entrance to Yellowstone National Park. The road rises to 10, 947 feet at Beartooth Pass in Wyoming. A 54-mile section of the Highway, beginning eight miles south and east of Red Lodge and ending just east of Cooke City, Montana has been awarded the National Scenic Byways "All-American Road" status.

Scene along Beartooth Highway

Rock Creek Vista Point

Above Timberline

Wildfires in the surrounding areas created a smoky haze over the mountain vistas.

This roadside waterfall caught our attention.  

The distant peak in this picture is Pilot Peak.


  1. Thanks for taking me back many years to when I drove that drove with me parents.We travelled in the opposite direction,having come from Yellowstone. I don't remember all the scenes,but is sure is beautiful.Wish I could go back again.

    1. Ruth, we had traveled it from west to east in 1988, and we didn't remember much of it either. We just remembered that it was beautiful...and it still is. :)

  2. the colors and reflections are just beautiful!

  3. Linda, these are spectacular!! If the photos are this good, I can only imagine how seeing that in person must've made your jaw drop. I need to get out and travel more!

    1. We did have a few jaw-dropping moments on this trip. Glad you enjoyed the pictures.

  4. GREAT shots Linda! Last year a waitress in Billings Montana told us about that scenic road - otherwise we would have never taken it! We spent the night at Grizzly Lodge in Silver Gate and ate breakfast at the Log Cabin Cafe where we met David North and his wife Pat. David a very humble fellow, that we later learned had been the Chief Designer for GM for many years and responsible for millions of cars. We were SO GLAD we took that road, saw some of God'd most beautiful creation and met some very interesting folks! Thanks for sharing your fantastic photos!

    1. I didn't remember that your meeting with David North had occurred on the Beartooth Highway. How neat! You really need to start a blog, Diane!

  5. Oh how gorgeous... I just keep finding more and more places that I want to visit... Think I'll live long enough to visit all of these gorgeous places????? This highway is AWESOME. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Well, Betsy, if we don't live on earth long enough to see it all, we'll see even better things in Heaven. :)

  6. It would be hard to keep ones eyes on the road while driving through this beauty.Lovely shots and a breath taking views.

    you were right with the cattle ID on my post

    1. Steve, we drove this road back in 1988; and it was Doug's first time to drive in mountains like that. He barely remembers the scenery from that trip. But he's come a long way and is fairly comfortable with those roads now. We stop often to enjoy the views.

      Thanks for the confirmation of the cattle ID.I'd never heard of that breed before I used the internet to identify the ones in your photos.

  7. Hi Linda, your photos are stunning! You have a beautiful blog!

  8. I have added you to my blog list. Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. The vast space, Linda, the vast space... :) Beautiful shots indeed.

    It was interesting for me to get to know about the National Scenic Byways and "All-American Road" status. I looked up more details on Wikipedia and found out that as of November 2010, there were 120 National Scenic Byways and 31 All-American Roads.

    1. Petra, you've added to my knowledge of the National Scenic Byways and All-American Roads. :)

      I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
