
Friday, July 20, 2012

A Blast from the Past

Back in 1967, some 12 years before I became a Christian and 20 years before I was married, my best friend and I went to Phoenix on a little vacation. Being young and single, the vacation included participation in the nightclub scene.

One night spot in particular, Magoo's, had been highly recommended to us as having great live entertainment. I believe we went there more than once during our stay. And whoever it was who had steered us there was absolutely right about the great entertainment. Country group Ray Corbin and the Raymen put on an outstanding show.

Ray Corbin and the Raymen at Magoo's in Phoenix

The band granted me their autographs, on request.

Another highly popular club in the Phoenix area was JD's.

You can see on the sign that Ray Corbin was performing at JD's, as were the Everly Brothers.

On the night that we went to JD's, John Davidson and several of his friends were seated at a table near us. Ah, and if you don't remember John Davidson, I've seriously dated myself.

Around that time, I became a huge fan of country singer, Waylon Jennings. Ray Corbin and Waylon were friends and contemporaries. This was before Waylon grew to his ultimate fame in country music's "outlaw movement." Although Waylon performed regularly at JD's, I don't remember seeing him there. Ironically, it was back in my home state that I saw him in concert. It must have been 1968 or so when Waylon Jennings and the Waylors appeared in concert at Buck Lake Ranch in Angola, Indiana.

Waylon Jennings and the Waylors at Buck Lake Ranch, Angola, Indiana

Waylon Jennings and the Waylors at Buck Lake Ranch, Angola, Indiana

I still remain a fan of much of Waylon's music, although I confess that most of what I enjoy is from his earlier career...songs like "Love of the Common People," "The Chokin' Kind," and "Young Widow Brown." Much of the music created during his days in the outlaw movement is outside my comfort zone; but, no matter what he's singing, I never fail to marvel at that amazing voice of his.


  1. You have great photographs to go with your memories.

    1. Thanks, Stephen. Considering that they’re roughly 44-45 years old, the photos have held up remarkable well.

  2. i LOVE that signage from JDs. so cool! i had to google, just to make sure i was right, but, yes, i remember john davidson! and that hair! :)

    1. Thanks, Tex. Somewhere near JD’s was a billboard advertising “Drinkwater’s Liquors.” It struck me so funny, and I know I took a picture of it; but I couldn’t find it for this post. And, yes, John Davidson did have gorgeous hair. Before he and his group came in, a waitress had stopped by our table to let us know that he was expected. She knew my friend and I would be all “a twitter.”


  3. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. You got to see some pretty amazing talent in your youth! Enjoyed the photos so much.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Gail. Those vintage photos are fun to look at all these years later. It WAS a treat to see Waylon Jennings in concert at the small venue of Buck Lake Ranch. I saw him one other time, about 20 years later, at the County Fair in Hillsdale, Michigan. By then, his style had changed enough that I was a little embarrassed to have talked my husband and his dad and step-mom into going with me.

    2. Gail....I was at that concert - I was a whole 6 yrs old and only remember having fun and dancing around. If you have any picture of a little girl with blonde pigtails...I would love to see them.

  4. Some fun shots to share. I had a neighbor,Larry Whitmore, who played with Waylon and was a treat to have over for dinner and sing.

    1. Oh how neat, Steve. Was Larry one of the Waylors? If you’re still in touch with him, send him the link to my post and see if he recognizes any of the guys on stage with Waylon. He may have known Ray Corbin and his band, too, as Ray and Waylon knew each other and wrote some songs together.

  5. I was never a country music fan until about 11 yrs. ago when I met George... He has loved it for years... I still don't care for the 'older' country music very much --but love the younger generation (Brad Paisley, Toby Keith, Carrie Underwood, etc.) now....

    I certainly do remember the names of those you mentioned though ---so I'm definitely in YOUR generation... ha ha


    1. It’s the other way around for me, Betsy. I loved the old stuff. Then, after I became a Christian in 1979, I didn’t listen to Country music for a number of years. I was reintroduced to it about 22 years later when I worked at the county jail, where my co-workers always had the radio tuned to a local Country station. For the most part, I didn’t enjoy the newer stuff, although there was some that I liked. Oddly, considering my Christianity, one of my favorites was “I Love This Bar.” It always made me laugh. And the gals I worked with always cranked up the volume for my benefit when that one came on. After I left the job, they even called me one time to play it for me over the telephone.

  6. Please tell me how you got your Google Plus (and other recommendations) on the bottom of your post... I have tried to do it --but can't figure it out... I know where the widgets are --but it just won't work... HELP...


  7. I think it's wonderful that you still have all your photos and autographs. How fun is that! And wow.. John Davidson was one of my first television star crushes. He was one of the performers in the early days of The Carol Burnett Show.

  8. Linda, I am just stumbling across your blog here. I am Ray Corbin's oldest son and have lived in Lubbock since my father's death in 1971. Love the pictures!
    Michael Ray Corbin

    1. Michael! What a treat to hear from you. My goodness, your dad must have been very young when he died. And so must you. How sad.

      I'm so glad if my blog post and photos brought you some pleasure. Feel free to "grab" the photos and add them to your own if you'd like. They're not the best quality, but it's the memories that they evoke that counts.

    2. Yes, Linda, my was 35 and I was 17. Your pictures are an unexpected treat and I will grab them! I have many fond memories of our six years in Phoenix. My mother and I saw Waylon many times over the years since Phoenix. Even after he became so famous whenever he played in Lubbock he would always welcome us back stage or at his hotel to visit. He and my folks were really close.
      One of my fondest memories is of my family going to Waylon's house in Scottsdale on a Sunday afternoon for steaks. I was 11 and had already been playing guitar for a couple of years. The younger kids, my brother and sister and Waylon's daughter Tomilyn went outside to play while I hung out with dad and Waylon listenning to new Beatles album at the time, "Rubber Soul". Everyone loved The Beatles :)
      I have played in bands around Lubbock for over forty years now and play in the band at my church too. Worked in radio for over 25 years like my father as well.
      God bless you Linda, and thanks.
      Michael Ray Corbin

    3. Michael, if my pictures were an unexpected treat for you, your leaving a comment on the blog was an unexpected treat for me. God blessed us both! Thanks for sharing your memories of Waylon. He had such an amazing voice. I still have lots of his music on my MP3 player. My hubby lets me listen to Waylon, and I let him listen to CCR. :)

    4. I just randomly came across these pictures. Thank you for posting! I am Michael's sister and Ray Corbin's daughter - LeAnne Corbin Bandy. We have another brother, Darrell.

    5. Thank you for leaving a comment, LeAnne. As I told Michael, feel free to download any of the pictures from this post that you would like to have. They're old and not of the best quality, but they inspire memories.

  9. Do you happen to have any photos or memories of Bobby and the Rhythm Rockers? They played at JD's. I would especially love to see old pics.

    1. Chris - I don't have any photos or memories of Bobby and the Rhythm Rockers. Check out this video and see if you recognize anyone in the photos there:

    2. Thank you for the link. Bob is my fiance. We enjoyed watching the history of JD's, but didn't see his band. Maybe someone will read this and know of where there are some old photos.

  10. I have been trying to find the date that Waylon appeared at Buck Lake Ranch when I saw him in either 1967 or 1968. He had a cast on his leg so he sat on a stool. Jack Greene was the opening act and Bobbie Staff was also opening. Thanks for any info.

    1. I'm sorry, WJ, but I'm not able to help you. I was just a fan who happened to see him at Buck Lake Ranch that one time. I don't even know if he appeared there at other times, but it's certainly possible. I just now skimmed through an online bio of him and didn't see anything about a broken leg. Sorry I couldn't help.

    2. Thank you, Linda. I'm still looking! Thanks again.
