
Thursday, June 21, 2012 last!

It rained this afternoon. That might not sound newsworthy, but we were over seven inches behind in rainfall for this year. We'd had barely an inch of rain since the first of May.

Our back yard during heavy rain

Our front yard during the same heavy rain

Today's rain came down in sheets, with a wind strong enough to blow it sideways at times. When it was done, our rain gauge registered 2.25 inches which had fallen in less than 45 minutes.

Two of our Norway pines were partially dead from a drought we had two years ago. We were dreading the possibility that this year's drought could finish them off. Today's rain may not save them, but it will definitely help.

We often take rain for granted, not fully appreciating it until we have been without it for too long. Believe me, we appreciated it today. Thank you, God.


  1. that is awesome! congrats! after last year's drought here, i will never take rain for granted again. :)

  2. Oh how we need that rain too, Linda... We are having to water our container plants and roses now everyday --since it is also very hot. OH--how I don't like summer!!!!!

    Congrats on getting your rain...

  3. I wish I could share some of our Oregon rain with you. We have more than we need, even though it isn't raining at the moment.

  4. Your poor yard has suffered.e have had a few showers lately, but the parched soil soaks it up.I just got in from watering.

  5. By the looks of the grass you needed that rain badly. Praise GOd you got at least that much. Hope more comes at just the right time.

  6. Sounds as if you were as excited about that rain that came last evening as I was! The crops, yard, shrubs, and flowers look so much better today...and we only received 1/10". But we praise the Lord for what He sent!

  7. I sure hope your trees do make it. That's a beautiful rain.. especially when it's so needed.
