
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Anita is my cousin-in-law, married to Cousin Bill, who was featured in my last post. I was drawn to her from the start because of our shared love of Arabian horses. And of Cousin Bill, of course.

I became aware early on that Anita was artistic, although it would be years before I realized the full extent of her talent. In fact, I doubt that I realize that full extent even today.

The above sketch is a self-portrait of Anita as a little girl, with her pony, Patsy. Seeing that sketch on the wall of their living room provided my first insight into Anita's artistic talent.

Anita taught high school art for 30 years, retiring in 1998, to become a full-time bronze sculptor.

Following are a few of the table sculptures she has created:

First Ride

Just A Little Squirt


The Leonberger

Soon, Anita began to receive commissions to do life-size sculptures of historical figures, children, and pets. Following is a sampling of some of those.

William Bruce, founder of Eaton, Ohio

Playing Hooky

Fish on the end of Playing Hooky's line



As someone who doesn't have an artistic bone in her body, I have great admiration for those folks who are gifted in the arts, in any form. Anita is certainly one of them, and I take pride in her talent, even though I had nothing to do with it.


  1. She is quite a gifted artist. I've enjoyed seeing her work. Thanks for sharing.

  2. oh my word! fabulous artist!!! gorgeous work!

  3. p.s. thank you for sharing it with us! :)

  4. Thank you, Stephen. That's high praise, coming from you.

    Theresa - Thanks for the kind words. I was pretty sure you'd enjoy the Arabian sculptures.

  5. Anita is very very gifted, Linda. I know you are proud of her. Wow--what fabulous sculptures... I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing.

  6. AMAZING! Yes, be proud to have such talent in the family. :)

  7. Anita certainly has a big talent.
    Playing hookey is a fantastic work.

  8. Betsy - It gives me joy to introduce others to Anita's amazing gift. Thanks for allowing me to share it with you.

    Elizabeth - Thank you so much. Photos don't do the sculptures justice. The detail in them is amazing.

    Keith - I agree with you about "Playing Hooky." You can't look at that happy face without smiling, can you?

  9. Those are just fantastic. I'm so glad you shared. I think Anita's and Frank's concept of how to play hooky are one and the same. ;)

  10. Hilary - If I recall, the Playing Hooky sculpture was commissioned by the grown subject's family, as a surprise for him. They provided Anita photos from his boyhood to give her something to work from. I'm not sure if the family chose the Playing Hooky theme, or if that was Anita's idea. But it turned out wonderfully.

    I hadn't thought about Frank, but you're could almost be a boyhood portrayal of him.

  11. I followed the "Anita" link in your last post on horses, came here and feel wowed. The pieces are excellent and I especially like the figures such as Marissa, Playing Hooky or William Bruce. The story behind the Playing Hooky sculpture makes it even more real, it must have been a wonderful gift!
