
Friday, January 06, 2012

Carson, the Pianist

Several months ago, I posted a video clip of my great-nephew, Carson, playing a piece for his piano recital. If you missed that, you can see that post here. In fact, as his proud great-aunt, I think you should go listen to it again even if you did see it before. (Smiles)

Well, we attended another of Carson's piano recitals the week before Christmas. He played three pieces at this latest recital, but I've edited part of it out to keep the video short enough to hold your interest while still showing off this 10-year-old's ability.



  1. It's a joy to listen to anyone making music, but I particularly like it when the music is made by children.

  2. How sweet that he gives the gift of music. You're a proud aunty for good reason. That was a lovely medley. Away in a Manger was my favourite Christmas song as a child. Frank will probably be along shortly to remind me that I'm a bad Jew. ;)

    Thanks for sharing Carson, Linda.

  3. Stephen - I agree. Doug and I enjoy these recitals. All the kids do a great job.

    Hilary - Carson and his two brothers gift us in many ways, but I'm particularly fond of the piano.

    It's understandable that a Jewish child would get caught up in the music and festivities of non-Jewish friends. It doesn't make you a bad Jew. Maybe a confused Jew, but not a bad one. :)

  4. Nice...
    YOur pride is showing through. YOu say he's only 10, Hmmmm.....heck I'm 58 and he plays way better than I do.
    Oh, yeah...I don't play the piano.

  5. Steve - He does seem to know when to hit them hard and when to lighten up his touch, doesn't he?

    GQ - I took piano lessons for four years when I was a little older than Carson. It didn't take. :)

  6. How wonderful! I hope he enjoys it and continues to progress. Thanks for your kind words earlier. :)

  7. Elizabeth - Carson does seem to enjoy playing piano. I, too, hope he continues. I believe he has some natural ability.

  8. Bravo! And from memory! Quite impressive.

    (Hil's a bad Jew but a good person.) ;)

  9. Thanks, Frank. I don't know about the "Bad Jew" thing, but Hilary is definitely a good person. :)

  10. How wonderful, it really is a joy to hear someone play like that ... and only 10! I can see why you're proud :o)

  11. Wow! He's really great. You SHOULD be proud. :)

  12. Thanks, Sandra. I think he's a genious, but then I'm easily impressed.
