
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jeff and Beckie...and Edna

One of the many characters that Jeff created was Edna. Edna made weekly appearances on the morning radio show in a Friday segment known as "Ask Edna." She also made promotional appearances for the radio station. For these occasions, Jeff would dress up in full Edna garb. I don't have any photographs of Edna, but following is a photo of an Edna coffee mug, featuring an Edna caricature by Bill Frauhiger:

Edna was a rather large woman because Jeff was...well...a rather large man. (In a conversation with a radio co-host, Jeff once said that he wasn't going to tell Beckie that he had a weight problem until after they were married.)

A couple of months after their wedding, Jeff, dressed as Edna, was involved in a promotional photo shoot for the radio station. Afterward, still wearing his full Edna outfit and using his Edna voice, he thought it would be fun to pay Beckie a visit at her place of work, the hair salon where they had met.

Beckie was at the back of the salon, shampooing the hair of an elderly client, when she heard the commotion as Edna entered the shop, calling out "Where is Beckie? Where's that Beckie that married Jeff C.?" When he had worked his way back to the sink where she was working, she found herself in the awkward position of introducing her client to her husband, who was dressed as a woman unlike any other.

Well, being the competitive person she is, Beckie determined to get even with her practical joker of a husband. So she conspired with Jeff's boss, Char, to call in during an on-air call-in program; but Beckie would pretend that she didn't realize she was on the air.

Following is the audio clip of Beckie's revenge:


  1. Oh I would love Edna.. Jeff is one talented guy!!!!! Even if he had a 'weight problem'---I'm sure that Beckie didn't care. She loved him for HIM.

  2. Betsy - I think you WOULD love Edna. She was a hoot, even if she was a little plump and...well...not exactly fashionable. As for Beckie, I think she may have known about the weight problem without being told. :)

  3. Couldn't help but laugh along with the hoots and cackles on that clip. :)

  4. Linda:

    A funny post. Your blog is delightful and I'll be back for more. Thanks for your visit to Chubby Chatterbox. I hope you'll become a regular. Have a great week.

  5. Loved that! I'd forgotten about Jeff's Edna! I remember meeting him, I mean HER at one of the radio station's Day Away's for the ladies years ago. We were all wondering where Edna went when 'she' had to use the restroom since ALL the restrooms were Ladies Rooms for that event!!!

  6. Frank - I know what you mean. I've heard it several times, and it still makes me laugh. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Stephen - Thanks so much for the visit and the kind comment.

    Diane - Hmmm. That's an interesting dilemma. Maybe Edna did a quick change and went to McDonald's. :)

  7. That's hilarious. They sure do have a lot of fun together. :)

  8. Hilary - I'm not sure God made any more like Jeff. And maybe that's just as well. :)

  9. LOL ... oh that's just wonderful!!

  10. Lol! Oh my gosh, I was laughing with them. What a fun bunch!

  11. Deborah - I'm glad it gave you a chuckle.

    Elizabeth - It's hard to hear Jeff laugh and not laugh with him. It was fun to see him on the other end of a practical joke, too. :)
