
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Coopster

If you've been following my blog for awhile, you know that I have three great-nephews who live about an hour away and who are active in a number of extra-curricular activities. Doug and I try to get to as many of those activities as possible.

The youngest, seven-year-old Cooper, started playing soccer just before we left on our 24-day road trip, so we missed several games. But we've been to two since our return.

I love this picture. I know nothing about soccer, but it appears that Cooper was kicking the ball into play. Anyway, the effort was accompanied by a loud yell, which you can almost hear as you look at the photo.

Apparently getting a word of advice from an official.

A little fancy footwork.

The fall air was a bit chilly, so the hat came out.

I'm pretty proud of all three of these boys. If you stick around for awhile, you'll be hearing more about all of them.


  1. Fun to be part of. I think soccer is played in some bad weather however. I so enjoyed having people come and watch me play in many sports.

  2. How sweet. I'm glad you live so close and can be a part of your nephew's lives.

  3. How fun! I bet they loved having you there as well!

  4. Steve - The weather has been a little cool, but pretty. The little soccer players probably appreciate the cooler temperatures. These nephews of mine always get a pretty good turnout for their events. There were 11 family members there for Cooper this past Saturday.

    Elizabeth - I'm glad we're able to go to these activities, too. Kids grow up so fast that these years just seem to fly by.

    Bossy Betty - It is fun. I'm not sure how much it means to the kids now, but I think they'll appreciate it when they look back.

  5. I just love to see children having fun, wonderful photo's :o)

  6. You got some great photos of your adorable great-nephews. You and Doug are wonderful for attending his games. Looking forward to more family pics.

  7. Deborah - It's fun to watch them. It's also a bit of a marvel how much energy they have. :)

    Hilary - They're growing so fast. The time to attend their events is growing shorter. The middle one, Carson, will be having another piano recital soon; and he's also got a speaking and singing part in a Christmas play. So stay tuned. :)

  8. Thanks so much for your sweet comments while I've been gone. I'm doing better, and have returned to work...uncomfortably, but there! Loved your pics of the kids game. I've missed all my little ones this fall, but get to see them in a few weeks! Don't you just love their rosy, flushed cheeks after running and playing in the cool fall air?! :0)

  9. Deb - So glad that you're health is improving. Yes, the kids look so wholesome as they run and play in the fresh fall air. It's nice to get them away from their electronic devices for a little while. :)
