
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 34...Continued...Yellowstone National Park

Yesterday's post covered part of the 34th day of our Alaska trip, which involved a visit to Yellowstone National Park on our way home from Alaska. This post is a continuation of that one.

The day was September 10, 2007; and we were touring Yellowstone with our friends, Larry and Jeannette, who just happened to be visiting the park at the same time. In addition to our sightings of elk, a black bear, and coyotes, about which I posted yesterday, we also visited the Yellowstone Canyon overlooks.

Yellowstone Canyon

Yellowstone Canyon and Lower Falls

Of course, there was also a visit to Old Faithful. At the Visitor Center there, we learned that Riverside Geyser was due for an eruption at 10:40 a.m., give or take 30 minutes. It was then 10:10 a.m., and Riverside was a walk of a mile and a quarter away. It took us a half-hour to get to the geyser, but we were in time to see the eruption, which lasted about 20 minutes.

Riverside Geyser

The walk back to Old Faithful was slower. We went to the cafeteria for lunch, then watched an eruption of Old Faithful from the porch.

Old Faithful Geyser

And then there was this large and in-charge buffalo to close out the day's sightseeing.


  1. Beautiful sights. They bring back memories of when my husband,son and I were there,many years ago.

  2. Just today there was a segment about Old Faithful on Sunday Morning. What a sight. How nice that your friends were there at the same time!

  3. The getsers are awesome. I went there right away. Have a buffalo burger while around there?

  4. Ruth - If I brought back some happy memories for you, I'm glad.

    Elizabeth - It was such a blessing to have Larry and Jeannette there at the same time. They have a travel trailer, so they could leave it hooked up while sightseeing in their truck. The day that they drove us all around provided a wonderful break for Doug, who would have had to unhook Harvey to go sightseeing, then hook him up again at the end of the day.

    Steve - I really didn't have much interest in the geysers until I saw them. They really are awesome...and a bit addictive. Nope, no buffalo burgers, although I think our friend, Larry, had buffalo meatloaf at the cafeteria.

  5. I was so fascinated with the concept of Old Faithful and other geysers when I was a child. I would have loved to have seen it first hand. Of course your fine photos are an experience in themselves.

  6. Hilary - Thanks for the kind words about the photos, but nothing can take the place of experiencing the geysers first hand. The anticipation builds as the steam begins to billow; then the bubbling water begins to spill from the opening; and, finally, the hot water gushes from the opening in a steaming tower. It's pretty awesome. You need to come to the States and see this for yourself. :)
