
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Day 16: Alaska...From Tok to Glacier View

After we left Tok on the morning of August 23, Day 16, we had a little light rain; but then bright sunshine broke through for awhile, enabling us to see the snow-covered peaks of Mount Sanford and Mount Drum.

There was a nip in the air.

The clear weather and sunshine didn't last, though. Heavy clouds moved in to cover the mountain peaks before we reached the scenic byway portion of the Glenn Highway.

We decided to stop for the night, hoping that the next day might bring a clearer sky and better views of the magnificent scenery. The first place we chose, Slide Mountain RV Park, appeared to be open and operational; but no one was in the office. So we drove on, passing about 25 miles of weather-obscured scenery along the scenic byway before coming to the next campground, Grand View RV Park in Glacier View, Alaska. It was a nice place, surrounded by mountains, and with a restaurant on site. When we registered, they gave us a coupon for a breakfast special the next morning.

The restaurant's supper prices were a little high, though, so we fixed hamburgers in the RV for our supper. I made the mistake of plugging in the heater at the same time I was using the electric skillet and the microwave, and the circuit breaker shut off. Then we couldn't get it to go on again. I was able to finish cooking the hamburgers by plugging the skillet into the outlet over the dinette. And the sweet potato that I had been cooking in the microwave was far enough along that it finished cooking in the foil. We plugged the heater into the bathroom outlet, and that worked fine.


  1. Hope the weather cleared up for you. I'd hate to miss the scenery after driving all that way!

  2. What a lovely area to see. I just commented a few posts ago how we seem to improvise while camping with more ease. If the breaker broke at home we may be worried when the repairman would show up.

  3. It seems like such a shame to miss some of the scenic route. I'm going to have to catch up with the rest of your trip after our little stay at the cottage. See you in about a week.. ish.

  4. simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  5. Kinda chilly up there, huh????? Hope you got your circuit breaker fixed...

    Gorgeous scenery... Hope to see some of that someday.

  6. Elizabeth - We had a mix of weather while we were there, but nothing could keep the scenery from being beautiful. :)

    Steve - You're right about the improvising. Harvey offered enough options to get us by.

    Hilary - We didn't want to miss it, either; so we retraced some of our route the next morning. Hope you're enjoying your cottage time. We miss you out here in Blogland. :)

    Kalyan - Thanks so much for the kind words and for the visit.

    Betsy - We did get the circuit breaker taken care of the next day. You're right about the scenery. It seems as if there's new beauty at every turn.
