
Monday, August 15, 2011

24 Years Ago Today...

Today is Doug's and my 24th wedding anniversary. We were 42 and 44 when we married; and I remember thinking to myself, "Well, at least, if we're making a mistake, we won't have to live with it as long as some people."

I don't think either of us thought we'd live long enough to say we'd been married 24 years. That would make us 66 and 68, and that seemed awfully old. Besides, we felt that there was a good possibility that the Lord would come back before that much time went by.

But here we are, 24 years later, remembering our special day and celebrating all over again.

My lovely niece, Beckie, was in charge of the guest book.

Beckie's handsome brother, Dave, walked my Aunt Bea, down the aisle. Aunt Bea filled in for my deceased mother. Would you believe that she was 77 when this photo was taken? And that's her natural hair color.

I was escorted down the aisle by a dear friend, a widower who was also an associate pastor at our church, who was standing in for my deceased father.

The wedding party.

Pledging our love and faithfulness before God and our witnesses.

Officially man and wife.

Here we are with Doyle and Janet, the couple who introduced us.

Janet made this quilt for us, then arranged for wedding guests to sign the back of it, making it an extra special gift.

Cutting the cake.

And they lived happily ever after.


  1. Congratulations!!! One more year til your silver (unless the Lord returns!). You look lovely. Hope you Doug have a wonderful celebration.

  2. Congratulations! And thanks for the trip down memory wedding lane!

    (PS - that cake! It looks fabulous! I hope it tasted as good as it looked.)

  3. Oh Congratulations!
    What wonderful photo's of your wedding day, you looked beautiful (and no different from your blog picture!)I hope you both have a very special day x

  4. Thank you, Elizabeth. I won't be upset to miss my silver if it's due to the Lord's return. :)

    Thanks, Ethelmae. It was fun to get these pictures out and share them here. And, yes, the cake was delicious.

    Thanks kindly, Deborah. Oddly, I had more gray in my hair then than I do now, thanks to Beckie's talents as a hair stylist. And Doug's hair is pretty silver now. :)

  5. I love those pictures, Linda. First marriage for both of you????? That is SUPER....

    What do you mean 66 and 68 seem OLD??????? I just turned 69--and don't feel OLD... ha ha

    Your pictures and wedding are gorgeous... I loved seeing them...

    CONGRATS for 24 fabulous years.

  6. Betsy - Yep, first marriage for both of us. We had both pretty much given up on the idea of marrying, but the Lord had other plans for us.

    The ages of 66 and 68 don't seem so old now, but they did 24 years ago. :)

  7. Congratulations! I hope that you can enjoy many more wonderful years together,should the Lord tarry.

  8. Thanks so much, Ruth. He's a good man, and I'm blessed to have him in my life.

  9. Congratulations! What a wonderful memory!

  10. Thanks, BB. Hope you and HOB enjoyed some special memories of your day, too.

  11. Congrats, of course, and thanks for the photos! Funny how our view of "old" keeps changing as we go through our lives. Of course, I agree with ethelmaepotter! on the of the first things I noticed. LOL!

  12. Thanks so much, Deb. It's true that our idea of "old" changes as we age. I think it's because the body is the only thing that ages. Our spirits remain young and vibrant, and it's sometimes a shock to look in the mirror. :)

  13. What a fun trip down memory lane! It IS hard to imagine that you have already been married 24 years. I have told the story of you and Doug many times - how
    God so clearly brought you together. You are a wonderful couple and great friends to us. Happy belated Anniversary, dear friends!

  14. Sandra - Thanks so much. It was a joy to have you and Jim share that day with us 24 years ago and now to share in our joy as we celebrate our anniversary. God is good.

  15. What a great post. I almost feel as if I was there.. almost. You were a beautiful bride, Linda and you just keep getting better. Happy Anniversary to you and Doug.

  16. Thank you, Hilary. I always appreciate your kind words.

  17. As I was poking around in your Blog I found your wedding pictures - Loved it! What a cute couple you were...and STILL ARE :) :)

    1. You just poke away, Diane. It's fun having someone read my older posts. I’m in the process of scanning the slides from our Hawaiian honeymoon. Brings back memories.

    2. Thanks, Linda and Doug, for the beautiful walk down your memory lane on your 28th wedding anniversary. It sure was a beautiful wedding.

  18. Had to revisit this.... Love seeing your photos. Was this a first marriage for both of you? So neat to find love at ANY age.... Congrats again.
