
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Waterfowl on the 4th of July

On Monday, the Independence Day holiday, we went to visit Doug's brother in Michigan. After going out to eat, we drove around a little and wound up at a little park with a pond and lots of waterfowl. Of course, I had to shoot a few pictures. And, of course, I had to post them here.

I don't know my species very well. Who am I kidding? I don't know my species at all. 

I was just intrigued by the bump on this fellow's head.

And speaking of bumps on the head...
This bird was sporting a doozy.

I thought the coloring was interesting on this one...mostly black and white, 
but with a green neck and head.

A gull was hoping we'd throw it a snack or two.

We weren't the only ones enjoying the birds in the park that day.

The day was waning, and some of the birds appeared to be getting sleepy.

The duck in the foreground could hardly keep his eyes open, 
and the other was already tucked in and sound asleep.


  1. Great pictures of all of the waterfowl, Linda. Looks like you all had a great time in Michigan.

  2. These are great shots. You had a lot to choose from! I know nothing about species either! Wish I did though. :)

  3. Thanks, Betsy. It was a low-key celebration of the holiday.

    Thank you, Elizabeth. I marvel at those bloggers who can identify and teach us something about every object they photograph. :)

  4. What great pictures, and the one with the little boy surrounded by all the birds is just wonderful ... I bet his parents would just love to have it!

  5. Lovely pics, Linda. I rarely know what I'm photographing (plant or bird-wise) either. I only pretend I do. ;) Actually I sometimes take a quick Google course before posting.

  6. Deborah - Thanks so much. I'm afraid I have no idea who the lad is or who his parents are. But I so appreciate your kind comment.

    Thanks, Hilary. I sometimes do the Google search, too. I did learn that the brownish/grayish bird with the bump on its forehead is an African goose. Still not sure about the white bird with the fluffy crown on its head, though.
