
Monday, May 23, 2011

Come, Walk with Me

Yesterday, I got up early so that I could walk at the reservoir before getting ready for church. It was a little hazy with the early-morning humidity when I first arrived.

I saw this meadowlark and snapped the shot. I was going to crop it to focus on the meadowlark itself but decided that the cropped image wasn't as eye-pleasing as the original.

These bushes, which I think are honeysuckle, line the entire path around the reservoir. I've never seen them in bloom like this and figure it must be due to the lateness of our spring this year. Their blooming period is probably normally over by the time the reservoir opens for the season.

I took this photo because I liked the color of the leaves and the overall simplicity of the plant. I didn't notice the spider web or it's occupant until I put the image on the computer. (See the lower right-hand corner for a glimpse of the banana spider in the web.)

Dandelions may make our lawn-care tasks harder, but they make interesting photo subjects.

Here again, I was just photographing a pretty flower and didn't notice the fly on it until I downloaded the image to the computer.

Just in case you wanted a closer look at the fly.

This Coot seems to have stayed on with the three disabled geese after the other Coots moved on. Doug thinks it's because he is mooching some of the grain that is fed to the geese.

These two were either just starting their walk as I finished mine, or they may have been returning to their favorite fishing spot after a visit to the restroom. Either way, I couldn't resist snapping their picture. You can see one of the flowering honeysuckle bushes in the background. And notice the pink boots on the little girl. They make her feet look happy.


  1. Some of those photos seem to be glowing almost. I love the meadowlark (official bird of Nebraska FYI). What a beautiful, inspiring place.

  2. That first photo is a stunner.. and you're right.. cropping would have been wrong.

    Don't you love those happy little surprises, like the spider and the fly's appearances? (though if that spider had appeared somewhere on my skin, I would NOT consider it a happy little surprise) ;)

    Lovely collection, Linda. :)

  3. Great photos today! Calm, quiet, sweet...and I love the hairy, fat fly!! hehehe The last photo is the best. Reminds me of my husband and daughter; when she was little they were big fishing buddies.

  4. Elizabeth - I didn't know that...about the meadowlark's being Nebraska's state bird. Good choice. :)

    Hilary - Half the time, I don't know what I've photographed until I get it downloaded to the computer. :) I was so intent on getting a picture of the meadowlark that I wasn't aware of what the background looked like. And, if I'd seen that banana spider in the web, there wouldn't have been a picture of that plant at all!

    Deb - Thanks so much. You might be the only one who enjoyed the fly! :)

  5. Wow, you did an awesome job on these photos, Linda! They are just wonderful. That spiderweb is so delicate that I can understand why you didn't see it at first!

  6. Thanks for sharing your walk .I enjoyed the scenes.Those unexpected surprises,like spiders,their webs or flies are wonderful bonuses in out photos.I lov the last picture,such a loving scene.

  7. Thanks kindly, Cheryl. I think I feel my head swelling. :)

    Thanks for coming along, Ruth. That last image was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I was almost to my car when I saw them and decided to take a quick photo.

  8. Neat set of pictures, Linda. Isn't it wonderful to walk EARLY in the morning? Things just seem so clean and fresh...

  9. Thanks, Betsy. I'm not usually an early-morning person. But there's so much more opportunity to see birds at the reservoir if I go early. So it's an incentive. Besides, it's much cooler then, and I don't like to sweat. :)

  10. What a lovely, peaceful time!! Thanks for taking us along.

  11. I'm glad you enjoyed our walk, BB. It's a nice way to begin your summer vacation. :)

  12. Linda this is just beautiful.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  13. That was a nice walk - I loved the first picture with the fog jsut hanging over the knoll. That was so pretty I might have skipped church. Good job.

  14. Linda, I'm such a dope. Somehow I deleted your comment on my post today but I was interested in reading your story. Can I get that link again? Sorry about that!

  15. Lisa - Thank you so much for the visit and for your kind comment.

    GQ - Thanks for joining me on the walk. As beautiful as it was at the reservoir, though, nothing there was "created in the image of God." That's what makes "assembling ourselves together" on the Lord's Day so special. :)

    Elizabeth - I've sent the link to you in a separate e-mail. Hope you enjoy the story.

  16. Great pictures! You had too much fun with that fly close up!

  17. Thanks, Beckie. You have to admit...that was a pretty nice fly. :)

  18. I remember long ago being impressed with photos you took on a vacation. And you've still got it, girl! These are terrific!
