
Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Advances Slowly

A few signs of spring in our back yard.

Our crabapple tree will soon be full of glorious flowers; but, for now, the green is a welcome sight.
The yellow flowers of forsythia are always a beautiful way to signal the coming of spring.

The robins returned in February, apparently optimistic that spring couldn't be far behind. 


  1. Very pretty.I have seen so many Robins in the last few days.

  2. I LOVE that robin photo -- great detail! :)

  3. Love Robins! We don't have them around here and I miss them!

  4. Those are beautiful photos! Nice job. :)

  5. Thanks, Ruth. The robins are here in abundance, too.

    Thanks, Sandy. I was pretty pleased with it myself. :)

    BB - We have so many robins that they're not our favorite bird. Too much of a good know?

    Thanks kindly, Elizabeth.

  6. I'm ahead of you a bit, I'll send some your way.

  7. Steve - I've noticed from your photos that you seem to be a bit ahead of us. We're on our way, though.

  8. We are being driven out of our yard by robins...sassy little things, they are! We've a lot of blossoms, and I noticed some of the trees have a few tiny leaf buds trying to come out. From a distance they look green! It's coming, just not fast enough for me this year!

  9. Deb - I know what you mean about robins. "Sassy" is a good word for them.

  10. The robin photo is a beauty, Linda. Your spring is advancing more rapidly than ours. But we've had robins through most of the winter the past couple of years. They seemed to disappear around mid-December and return 2 months later. They're learning to tolerate our winters.. mostly.

  11. Thanks, Hilary. Considering the beautiful critter photos on your blog, your compliment means a lot. Our experience with robins seems to be about the same as yours. I'm not exactly sure when they disappear, but they seem to reappear in early to mid-February. Sometimes they disappear again briefly, then return in droves.

  12. What beautiful photo's, and the robin one is just wonderful!

  13. Hi Linda, Glad you are having some signs of spring up there. Hope you didn't get any of that horrible weather yesterday. We didn't have anything severe --but we did get FIVE inches of rain. AND --it was 33 degrees early this morning here. Brrrrrr.

    Have a great Palm Sunday.

  14. Hi, Betsy. We didn't have tornadoes or anything like that...just rain, cold, and wind. Not as much rain as you got, though!
