
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Springtime in the Smokies

Yes, we decided to take a little get-away to one of our favorite vacation spots: Smoky Mountains National Park. We're a little early for many of the flowering trees, although the redbud are blooming throughout the park. Here are a few pictures from today's outing.

The look of layers in the mountains is part of what this park is known for.

A tiny violet, shot with a macro setting.

I'm not sure why, but my photographs of the violets make them look a royal blue color instead of the beautiful violet color of the actual flower. In this photo, you can see a bit of the violet color around the edges of the petals, but the overall color is still royal blue. It's pretty, but not quite accurate.

I have no idea what this little darling is.

This was growing on a bush where someone had had a homestead in years past.

These, too, were growing on a bush near the same site as the red flower above.

Spring hasn't fully arrived in the Smokies yet, but little flowering beauties like these are here, waiting to be found along the trails.


  1. So beautiful. I love those layers upon layers of mountains growing paler with the distance. And I'm totally jealous of your flowering surroundings. We're getting hit with snow all day, here.. sigh! Have a great time Linda. I'm looking forward to more photos.

  2. Each of these are so pretty.I have had the same problem with the violet color showing blue in the pictures.Unfortunately I don't yet have a solution.

  3. Hilary - I'm so sorry you're getting winter again. Here in the Smokies, spring is a bit more advanced than it is at home. These beautiful flowers were a real treat. I'll hope to have more to post in the next few days.

    Ruth - Thanks so much. I feel better knowing that someone with your photographic ability shares my royal blue dilemma.

  4. Your no idea plant is a pussy foot.My one camera makes blue out of purple and i think it needs a longer aperature.

  5. So you've made it east! I've spent a LOT of time in the Smoky mountains, lived in NC for years. So beautiful. Enjoy your trip, I can't wait to see more pictures. Beautiful scenery everywhere you look! :)

  6. So beautiful! I have never really explored this area, but your pictures make me long to do so!

  7. Hi Linda, Didn't know you were coming to the Smokies... Next time, let us know --and we'll meet you for lunch somewhere...

    My BLUE Periwinkle looks purple and the Purple Violets look BLUE... What's up with that????? ha

    Great pictures.

  8. Steve - I tried to search online for images of pussy foot, and...well...I found images I didn't really want to look at. :) If you have a link to a flower like the one I posted, I'd appreciate your sharing it. And thanks for the suggestion about capturing the true color of the violet.

    Elizabeth - Ha! I don't really think of the Smokies as "east," but I suppose it is when compared to other vacation photos I've posted recently. :) You're certainly right about the beautiful scenery everywhere you look. How did you ever make yourself move away from this area?

    Thanks, BB. I know you'd love the Smokies. The fall is especially beautiful here; but we're never disappointed, regardless of the season in which we visit.

    Betsy - I did think about trying to get together with you, but we have some friends coming down to spend the weekend with us. I just wasn't sure how we'd work in a visit with you and George. Maybe next time. :)

  9. Linda == Like many right now, I'm starved for a little color, so it's wonderful to see these. :)

  10. Hi, Sandra. So glad I could ease your winter doldrums with these little beauties. :)
