
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Swinging Jay

The melting snow left a pool of water on the tarp covering our yard swing. This blue jay stopped by for a drink.

We really need to get a bird bath.


  1. Oh! Pretty! Wish I had one in my yard (a blue jay AND a bird bath!).

  2. Elizabeth - Blue jays are beautiful birds, for sure. I suppose they ARE a little scarce in your more urban area, so I'm happy to share mine with you.

  3. Sweet! I love jays. They're a kick to watch around here.. they try to get to the peanuts before the squirrels do. They often win.

  4. Hilary - You've influenced me to go out and buy some peanuts for the squirrels and birds. Now I'll have to lie in wait to see if I can catch them in the act.

  5. You can have the bird bath you gave us. It is such a nice one and seems to attract the birds. We have a bird feeder and the biggest jays come to eat. The other birds seem to be afraid of them.

  6. KD - I woke up this morning thinking, "Oh no. KD is going to read what I put on the blog last night and offer to give us back that bird bath!"

    It's sweet of you to offer, but we couldn't take that bird bath from the beautiful setting it's in now. It looks as if it was made for your yard.

    As for other birds being afraid of the jays, I don't doubt it. Jays don't play well with others. :)

  7. Jays are a smart bird. I hear one right now but it is hard to get a shot of them.

  8. What a great capture Linda! Happy Sunday!

  9. Great picture, Linda. But whenever I see a blue jay I remember two of them attacking Gus in our back yard on Placid Park. They didn't make me a fan of their kind that day.

  10. Steve - They ARE smart. It was only by chance that I was able to get this shot.
    Thanks, Lori. Happy Sunday to you, too.
    Sandra - I didn't say they were NICE, just beautiful. :) Poor Gus. What did your big, sweet, ice-cube-chewing German Shepherd do when the jays attacked?

  11. Greetings from Minneapolis!

    The jays will be back here soon, I suppose, arguing with the crows and fighting squirrels!


  12. Hi, Pearl. Even Minneapolis has to warm up sometime. :) Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.
