
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Doug's been under the weather since Christmas, with sinus infection and congestion. The cold air aggravates his condition, so he has been trying to avoid going out and wraps his face in a scarf if going out can't be avoided.

We received about five inches of snow yesterday. Doug was in no shape to clean the driveway, and I've never operated our snow blower and really didn't want to experiment with it. After all, five inches isn't so much that we can't drive through it.

But one of our Good Neighbors came to the rescue. We looked out this afternoon and saw him cleaning our driveway with a blade on his ATV.

Doug called him a little later and thanked him. Then Doug and I both wrapped up and went outside to clear the snow away from the garage door and to clean the walkway to our front door. We had barely gotten started when our Good Neighbor arrived with his own shovel, with the same purpose in mind. So Doug went back inside while Good Neighbor and I quickly finished the job.

When you buy a house, you never know what you're going to get in the way of neighbors. Even if you were to check them out before making the deal on the house, there's nothing to say that they won't sell to someone else and move away.

God has blessed us with good neighbors. We don't really socialize with them, but any one of them would gladly come running if we called with a need. That's a nice feeling.


  1. That is so neat, Linda... You have very special neighbors...

    Hope your hubby gets well soon. Weather like this doesn't help.

  2. That is really cool! What a blessing to have such neighbors. XX

  3. Isn't that a wonderful comfort? My street is the same. There are at least 8 neighbours I would trust with my key if I felt I had to. And we DO socialize to boot. I feel very lucky and I'm so glad that it's the same for you.

  4. This reminds me of our discussion at lunch yesterday about Mary's young neighbors being so helpful since Mark's death. Neighbors are indeed an unpredictable quantity when you buy a house. But when you get the wonderful kind you, Hilary, Mary and I are blessed with, they are priceless.

  5. Hilary - It is indeed a comfort to have neighbors you like and trust. It's nice to know we don't have the only ones. :)

    Sandra - I did think about Mary and her helpful neighbors, as well as about you and yours. Good neighbors are definitely among those blessings we should count when we're counting our blessings. :)

  6. We all get togther one time over the summer and have a feast. It is fun to do this and makes an even stronger neighborhood.I have had a few lulu's so appreciate a good neighbor. I wrote to one I had growing up over the holiday and it was like we never had separated.

  7. Steve - I know a lot of neighborhoods have "block parties" or something like that, which is probably a good way to build that camaraderie and make relationships stronger. Our neighbors don't do that, but they will walk over to each others' yards and chat when they see each other outside. You're lulu makes you appreciate good ones all the more.

  8. You are very lucky. Hope he feels better soon!

  9. Thanks, Kristina. He started Prednisone today. I'm not a fan of that medicine, but it does sometimes work wonders.

  10. Five inches is blizzard material here in Tennessee!

  11. I know, Stephanie. Ya'll have been hit hard this winter. But isn't it beautiful?
