
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just for Laughs

I just thought I'd share a little story with you today that might bring a smile to your face. It did to mine.
As a bagpiper, Scotty played many gigs. Recently he was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man, who had no family or friends. The service was to be at a paupers' cemetery in the Kentucky back-country.

As Scotty was not familiar with the backwoods, he got lost; and, being a typical man, he didn't stop for directions. He finally arrived an hour late and saw that the funeral guy had evidently gone, and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left, and they were eating lunch.

Scotty felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. He went to the side of the grave and looked down, and the vault lid was already in place. He didn't know what else to do, so he started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. Scotty played out his heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. He played like he'd never played before for this homeless man. And as he played "Amazing Grace," the workers began to weep. They wept; Scotty wept; they all wept together.

When Scotty finished, he packed up his bagpipes and started for his car. Though his head hung low, his heart was full.

As he was opening the door to his car, Scotty heard one of the workers say, "Man...I've never seen anything like that before; and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years."

Thanks to Hilary at The Smitten Image for including this post as a Post of the Week.



  1. Oh you did indeed make me laugh. Something told me to stop by here just before posting to my own blog today.. I'm glad I did... ;)

  2. Ha! Good one...yes I too laughed!!
    Congrats on your POTW award
    Merry Christmas

  3. Yes, sure you gave me a good laugh. Am glad I stopped by here today. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Congrats on the POTW. Never have heard this one!

  5. Having dealt with a septic system for many years, this is especially funny to me! :)

  6. Hilary - Glad I could give you a chuckle today. Thanks so much for the POTW mention.

    SueAnn - Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Merry Christmas to you, too.

    Fistful - Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by.

    Tabor - It made the e-mail rounds awhile back. I thought it was funny enough to keep and use again. Thanks for the visit.

    Sandra - We had a septic system for a number of years, too. I remember that, once, when we were digging it up for repairs, our neighbors thought we were burying a horse. :)

  7. I heard a story about a family in Dublin where I come from about this family who went at Christmas to visit the grave of their late father. They were all sobbing around the grave, which didn't yet have a headstone as it was recent. Then as they were leaving they were shocked to learn that the grave they should have been visiting was somewhere else.

    Sort of brings you down to earth doesn't it?

  8. What a grand tale from a favorite lady.I hope to share this so I will tell it right.

  9. gaelikaa - How funny. But I don't suppose the family thought it was very funny. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    OOTP - Such a nice comment. Thank you.

  10. Septic tank stories are always good. So are bagpiper tales. Put them together, you can't lose. Thanks for the visit, too.

  11. Nick - Thanks for the visit and the comment. I hope you'll come back again.

  12. Loved that Linda. Made me laugh out loud. Good start to my day, thanks.

  13. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Keith. Thanks for the visit.

  14. Thank you for the laugh and it's a good one!
