
Monday, November 08, 2010


As I wrote in this post, my first horse was a 10-year-old mare named Gayranna. At first glance, one would think the name should be pronounced "Gay-ranna." But, as Gayranna's previous owner quickly informed me, the name was a combination of the mare's parents' names, Gayr and Susanna, and should be pronounced "Gayr-anna."

Anyway, because of the mare's unusual name, she was most often referred to as "the mare" or "the old mare" among and around my non-horsey family members.

You've also met my niece, Beckie, here. Well, Beckie was about six years old when "the mare" joined our family, and her young mind had no point of reference for the word "mare."

One day, Beckie told me that I should buy a top hat for the mare. When I asked her why, she replied, "So that she'll LOOK more like a mayor."


  1. Too sweet. Don't you just love how kids think?

    And I love how your husband thinks too. That did indeed look like the shadow of a swan in my leaf/dock photo. Thanks for pointing that out to me. :)

  2. Hilary-Kids really do say the darnedest things. When Beckie was about eight, her mom was expecting another baby. Once during that pregnancy, when we were discussing her mom's clothes, Beckie referred to them as "eternity" clothes. I suspect her mom was thinking that was a more appropriate name for them at the time.

    I'll tell Doug you were impressed with his observation of the photo. :)

  3. Apparently Beckie has always been funny. Why am I not surprised? :)

  4. Sandra-Unfortunately, Beckie doesn't always MEAN to be funny. With her, funny just happens. :)
