
Monday, November 29, 2010

Light and Shadow

I had to have a tooth filled today. Apparently there was one that hadn't yet had a filling. Anyway, I was just getting my camera out to take a photo of the way the light coming through the venetian blinds in the waiting room was making a pattern of stripes on this black lampshade, when the doctor's assistant came to call me back to the torture treatment room. I was pleased to find the same performance of light and shadow still going on after my appointment and was able to get this photo before leaving.


  1. Wonderful shot, Linda! I'm glad the sun decided to wait for you. :)

  2. Thanks so much, Frank. Knowing how quickly lighting can change, I was surprised to find those stripes waiting for me. Thanks for the visit.

  3. That was a pleasant surprise. Light sure can leave in a hurry when you're not ready for it. Lovely shot.

  4. Nice capture, and I hope they were gentle on you.

  5. Out on the prairie-They were as gentle as they could be, but I was still traumatized. :) The tooth was achy when they finished, but it's a bit better today.

  6. Hi Linda, Thanks for coming to my blog. I hope you come back often... I am enjoying reading yours.

    Hope you didn't experience too much torture in the dentist office... BUT--you did get a great picture... Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi, Betsy. Thanks for stopping by. I was drawn to your blog by our shared love for the Smoky Mountains and waterfalls. I'll be back.

  8. Hey, that's a great shot! Glad your "tooth torture" is over. That won't keep you from eating tomorrow for our luncheon, will it? I hope not. :)

  9. Sandra-Not much keeps me from eating...even diets. :) So we're definitely still on for our luncheon.
