
Thursday, November 18, 2010

It Gets Worse

We have a friend who, at age 80, is suffering several physical disabilities that keep him home bound. But he has a delightful sense of humor and loves life, even with its current restrictions. Our friend has a saying, specifically related to senior moments and the aging process in general: "It gets Worse."

Last night, I was driving the seven miles from our house to a restaurant to buy carryout for supper. I decided to drive a little out of my way, through a small neighboring community, so that I could return a couple of library books to the library there. I drove straight through the little neighboring town, totally forgetting to stop at the library. I could hear my friend's voice in my head saying, "It gets worse."

One day, our friend's wife was running some errands and realized that she was going to be later than expected. She used her cell phone to call her husband to let him know that she would be delayed. But, for some reason, the phone didn't seem to be working properly. She would dial the number and would get a message requesting her security number. After several tries, she gave up and headed for home. She was almost there when she realized that the number she had been dialing was the number for the phone in her hand, not the phone that was at home with her hubby. "It gets worse."

I walk for exercise at a local reservoir. Lately, I've noticed that people who start walking after I do are catching up with and passing me. "It gets worse."

I had a doctor's appointment one afternoon at 3 PM. Somehow, I had gotten it into my head that I had to LEAVE at 3 PM, for the appointment which is a half-hour away. As I was getting out of the shower at 2:30 PM, it suddenly dawned on me that I should be in the car at that moment, on my way to the doctor's office. I had to call and reschedule, and I had no reasonable explanation to offer for my last-minute appointment change. "It gets worse."

There have been so many other instances when our friend would say, either verbally or through mental telepathy, "It gets worse."

I'd tell you the other stories, but I can't remember them. "It gets worse."


  1. I had a great comment all set to go but...

  2. Hilary-Ha! You made me laugh out loud with that one.

  3. We often look at our failures more as we age. I like the images you offered, I see myself doing a few.One thing nice is what you do that is better, walking , driving and going out to the library that some people have lost. I refer to the breaks in thoughts as a guy thing or guy listening, but then again I have been doing it all my life.I share every shot I take with a homebound friend, it takes her where I have been.Great post.

  4. Out on the prairie-Maybe there are more failures to look at as we age. But I think we're better able to put them into perspective as we get older, too. It's nice of you to share your photographs with your friend. My friend's wife reads my e-mails and blog posts to him each day and tells me that I'm a "window out of the apartment" for him. That just makes my day.

  5. Well, said, Linda. You KNOW I'm right there with you. But now you tell me it gets even WORSE!?? Yikes! :)

  6. Well, Sandra, our 80-year-old friend has walked this path before us, and he says it gets worse. Maybe we'll be so far gone we won't even notice. Our friend is pretty sharp, though; so he notices.
