
Friday, November 26, 2010

Boss Quip

I'm not proud of the fact that I used to be chronically tardy at work. I always put in my full eight hours; I just had trouble arriving on time. One day, when I managed to show up right on time, my boss looked at me, then at the clock, then back at me, and said: "What's the matter? Couldn't you sleep?"


  1. This could earn you a few bucks from Reader's Digest. Too funny.

  2. I had one boss that 2 minutes late was late. As a college student it was hard to comprehend, but in later years I drank a few cups of coffeee always coming in early to work.I think I could still hear his rant.Very funny share.

  3. Out on the prairie-Two minutes late IS late; and, as I said, I'm not proud of those chronically tardy days. But I still smile when I remember that boss' comment. He was a funny guy, although I didn't always appreciate it at the time.

  4. I hope you'll share more stories about him. He was realllly funny, even when he didn't mean to be! (But this is my FAVORITE story about him.) :)

  5. Sandra-This was one of my favorite memories of John, too. I'll see if I can come up with any other blog-worthy stories.

  6. I'd have come back with something like: "Only in your meetings"

  7. Nick-That's a good one. I have lots of clever comments, but never when I need one.
