
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Old Family Photos

I was going through some old photos and found several that provide a glimpse into life in the fifties, including a few that showed part of the inside of the house where I grew know, "the only barn in the county with a bathroom in the hayloft."

This shows my mom sitting at the piano on which I learned to play. I use the term "learned" very loosely, as I was never very good at it. You can also see what the floor looked like before my dad replaced it with a new hardwood floor. This photo was taken about 1952 or 1953.

This is me at Christmastime in 1952. This also shows the old floor. And that's our radio at the left of the photo.

Here I am with my mother's mother and my new doll that walked when I took her hand and helped her a little. She also closed her eyes when I laid her down, and I think she said "Mama."

This is me, Dad, Mom, and Phil, taken at Christmastime in 1954. I'm not sure where this photo was taken.

This picture, when originally posted, had distracting lines in it from being torn. My new blogging friend, Hilary, took pity on me and repaired it in Photoshop. This is our beagle, Fritz, the one we enjoyed watching as he ran through the circle of the downstairs rooms, sliding on the linoleum and hardwood floors and their throw rugs. In this picture, you can see the hardwood floor that my dad worked so hard to install. He was deservedly proud of how that project turned out.

This is Phil on the occasion of his graduation from high school. That's Mom on the porch in the background.
My cousin Jackie, helping me ride her pony. Maybe this is where my love of horses began.
And this is Phil on the same pony.

These old pictures might not be interesting to everyone, but I find it kind of fun to look back and see what life was like fifty-plus years ago. Also, it gives me the opportunity to share some of these old photos with Phil's grown children, Dave and Beckie, who were only two and five when Phil died in an auto accident in 1967.


  1. Well, I don't know if EVERYONE will enjoy them, but I certainly do. And I think it's great to not only have them here for Beckie and Dave to see but also your commentary.

    What a cute little pony too.

  2. I think it's always fun to see old photos. It makes me want to make repairs to some of my own.. hmmm.

  3. Sandra-The old photos and memories that you've shared from your Mama's book inspired me to dig out some of my own. Unfortunately, many of them were glued pretty tightly into a scrapbook, which made scanning them a bit of a challenge.

    Hilary-With your Photoshop skills, you would be able to make your old pictures look like new again! And I, for one, would love to see some of them.

  4. Funny you should say that, Linda. I did take the liberty of "repairing" the torn photo of your dog but didn't have your email address. I sent it to Sandra a little while ago and asked her to forward it to you. ;)

  5. Thank you, Hilary! I've sent you an e-mail with my e-mail address.

  6. I LOVE seeing the old pictures!!! Keep them coming!!!

  7. I liked the pictures too AL.

  8. Thanks, Dave. You're part of the reason I posted them.
