
Thursday, September 23, 2010


Doug and I had made plans to start west today on a vacation. Events leading up to our planned departure had us wondering whether we were meant to go. On Tuesday morning, Doug got up with flashing lights and masses of floaters in his left eye.

We feared that he was experiencing a retinal detachment, but an examination by his optometrist revealed that it was, instead, a vitreous detachment. Here's a paragraph from the National Eye Institute's Web site on the subject:
Most of the eye's interior is filled with vitreous, a gel-like substance that helps the eye maintain a round shape. There are millions of fine fibers intertwined within the vitreous that are attached to the surface of the retina, the eye's light-sensitive tissue. As we age, the vitreous slowly shrinks, and these fine fibers pull on the retinal surface. Usually the fibers break, allowing the vitreous to separate and shrink from the retina.
So, while the condition isn't sight-threatening, it definitely takes some time to adjust to the floating impediments to your vision. I know, because I've experienced it in both eyes.

It has it's humorous side, though. At least, it does when it's happening to someone else. Doug has been swatting at invisible flies for three days now.

Last night, as we were preparing for this morning's departure, Doug went to take his shower, only to find that there was no hot water. The pilot light on the gas water heater had gone out. He got that lit again but burned his hand in the process. Fortunately, a quick application of ice kept it from being a bad burn.

Of course he had to wait to take his shower until the water heater produced some hot water, so we wound up not getting to bed until about one o'clock this morning.

As a result, we didn't get the early start that we had hoped to get. But we did get going and put some miles behind us today.  I'll try to post updates here as we continue our vacation.

I wish I could post pictures of the flock of birds that Doug saw today...but they weren't really there.


  1. I always like a surprise ending! :)

    It sounded for all the world like you had let "little things" like cold water, a burned hand and floaters convince you to forego your traditional fall trip to the Smoky's. But I must have forgotten for a minute who I was reading about -- our friends who feel the same pull to the beautiful Fall colors in the Smoky's that all those swallows feel to San Juan Capistrano!

    btw, I'm guessing you might want to forego birdwatching this time. It could be kind of frustrating for Doug to keep trying to figure out what bird his floaters are! :)

  2. I just re-read your post and was shocked when I noticed the word "west"! Just forget everything I said above and have a great trip "west"! :)

    (Sorry to get your hopes up when you saw you had three comments. What a disappointment to find out they're all the same person who just can't get her act together!)

  3. Sandra-It's always a pleasure to find a comment from you, and a triple pleasure to find three! Thanks for the good wishes.
