
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Still Traveling but Encountering Some Internet Problems

I wanted to post last night. I really did, even though we are now two hours behind our normal Eastern Time Zone; and the post would have been dated Sunday. But there was a problem with the internet connection in the hotel where we're staying in Dickinson, ND. There was also a slight problem with my husband, who thought I really shouldn't stay on the computer all night.

Anyway, we arrived in Dickinson on Saturday afternoon, booked a hotel, then went on down the road to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, which I will shorten to TRNP  from now on for the sake of my fingers.

We drove the 36-mile loop road of the TRNP South Unit, and it was so much fun. We saw wild horses, elk, mule deer, bison, prairie dogs, and a badger looking for a meal in one of the prairie dog towns. And there was a beautiful sunset to top off the day.

Unfortunately, the sunset occurred when we were only about half-way around the loop, so we may go back today to finish that trip in daylight. We also plan to visit the North Unit of TRNP, which involves a 14-mile drive. This one isn't a loop, so we'll be retracing our route when we reach the end of the road.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday:
A Sample of the TRNP Landscape

A Bison in TRNP

Elk on a Distant Hill


Mule Deer Along the Road and a Bison in the Background

Wild Horses

Sunset in TRNP

More posts to follow as time and internet connectivity allow. Thanks for sharing this trip with me.


  1. Wow! That was alot of stuff to see in such a short time. Sounds like you are having fun. :)

  2. It WAS a lot to see, and we ARE indeed having fun. A driving trip to the West involves some long days of travel, but it's something I'd encourage everyone to do at least once. Our country is truly amazing.

  3. Wow! Your pictures look like postcards! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  4. Beckie-Thanks for the compliment. I'm enjoying my new camera.
