
Monday, September 13, 2010

My Camera and Me

I am a photography buff. I'm not a great photographer, but I love trying. The rapidly changing technology in today's digital cameras keeps me wanting a better camera every few years. My dear husband could see the handwriting on the wall again as our anniversary approached last month, so he told me to go ahead and get a new camera which would be my anniversary gift from him. He didn't have to say it twice. I had already been doing a lot of research on cameras and had pretty much decided on the Canon Powershot SX20 IS.

I bought the new camera and am very pleased with it, although I'm still learning to use its many features.

There is a reservoir a few miles from our house, where I like to walk, both for exercise and for photo opportunities. When the weather began to cool down a couple of weeks ago, the cool air temperature, combined with the warmer temperature of the water, created a picturesque morning fog over the water. Here are some of the early results with my new camera.

This is the boat dock at the reservoir.
An early-morning fisherman was already out on the water.  

The previous night's moon was hanging in the clear western sky.
Later that same evening, the moon rose again, painted in this beautiful orange color.

I didn't have a tripod with me, either on my morning walk or later that night, when the orange moon appeared; so the moon shots were taken with a hand-held camera. They're not as sharp as they might have been with a tripod, but I was pleased with the overall results.

I'll be posting more photos as my new camera and I become better acquainted.


  1. Great photos! Who knew you saw such beauty at the reservior! (I know -- misspelled, but I don't know how to spell check on here yet. :)

  2. Thanks for commenting, Sandra. It can get lonely out here in the blogosphere. :-) The Lord has allowed me to see so many beautiful sights at the reservoir this year. (Oh, and your spelling was so close that I had to look three times to see the error.) The photo opportunities kept me walking, even in the heat of summer. I'm going to miss it when it closes for the season in a few weeks.
