
Friday, September 10, 2010

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches... (Proverbs 22:1a)

I spent some time last weekend with Sandra, of Add Humor and Faith...Mix Well, and her daughter, Jenny, of Chased by Children, as well as the three children who chase Jenny. As usual when Jenny and her mom are around a non-blogger, there is a little pressure exerted on the non-blogger to immediately correct that status.

I explained to them that I just didn't think I was clever enough to keep a blog interesting. Jenny gave me that look. You know the one. It says, "What you talkin' about, Willis?"...only my name isn't Willis. I said, "Oh, sure, I have occasional bursts of cleverness, but I can't count on having one when I need it." But did they listen? No. Instead, they started trying to think of a good name for my blog. Jenny's daughter, Co-Co, suggested "Bursts of Cleverness." We all liked that one, but I was afraid someone typing "cleverness" into a search engine would be mightily disappointed when they arrived at any blog I was writing.

But the blogging seed had been planted, and trying to think of a good blog name was keeping me awake nights. Honestly. I made a list of potential names and began checking availability, only to find that most of them were already taken. Some of them had been used only once, as much as 10 years ago; but, still, they were unavailable.

"To Behold the Beauty" was one of the first blog names that I had thought of, and I ran it by Doug today. He liked it. But then, later, after I had expressed some frustration over something, he said I should call it "Grumpy Old Woman Blog." His bruises should heal in a few days.


  1. Linda -- I am so thrilled to be the first commenter on your wonderful new blog. That name is PERFECT.

    This post is clever, interesting and hilarious all at the same time -- just like I've always known you are, friend. I can't wait to hear everything you've had to say over the years that didn't get said because I was talking over you. :( (I have no idea why Hubby insisted I put that last sentence in.)

    Jen and I are going to have to up our cleverness quotient now that we have to compete with the "new blog on the block".

    May blogging be a wonderful experience for you. I can't wait for your next post!

  2. Sandra - Wow! My first comment. You were right. This is heady stuff. Seriously, though, thank you, not only for encouraging me to try this blogging thing, but for the affirmation both in the comment above and in your separate e-mail. Your generous praise means more than you know.

  3. AL! I can't believe how much more clever you are than my Mom and the Willis line. We should retire and hand the baton to you!
